Chapter 7

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MOB by Babyface Ray boomed through the car's speakers as I drove downtown towards the restaurant. I was finally meeting the girls after a week of not talking to them.

Since the trip, I needed time to myself to think and figure out what my next steps were. I didn't like that I was blindsided, and I felt some kind of way about how my feelings weren't considered.

I finally made it to my destination and stepped out as I handed my keys to valet. My white Giuseppe platform heels clicked on the ground as I walked towards the host stand. After giving her my name she led me to the back where all the girls where. I chuckled internally at how we were all wearing similar colors, and it wasn't planned. I took my seat at the end next to Amber and Quay.

"Good evening ma'am here is a menu, we have fried calamari coming out. Can I get you anything to drink?"

"I'll take a water and lemon drop for now, and some crab cakes."

"Okay I'll get those right for you, and I'll keep the drink menu in case you want something else."

I thanked her before looking around at my friends.

"Well I'm happy you made it and you look cute, I love this set," stated Amber as she tried to break the awkward silence.

"Thanks I got it from this boutique I can send you the information."

"Cool I would love that."

"Well I would like to say thank you for coming, especially you Mel. I know you haven't been talking to us, and I'm not one to beat around the bush either. I wanted us to meet to get to the bottom of the issue, but also resolve it." Risse stated as she took a sip of her drink.

Everyone turned to look at me waiting for me to respond.

"Well I needed my time and space to think things over. I felt blindsided by the whole thing, and y'all know are history. I get that he's your cousin and family and I never want to come in between that, but what about me. It's like no one cared about how I felt regarding the situation. I then found out later that y'all knew before hand with the exception of Quay, and no one thought to give me a heads up. Then when I brought it to y'all attention it was like fuck me and my feelings, y'all were hella dismissive."

The waiter finally brought the appetizers and drinks to the table, and we paused to place our orders.

"I'm sorry that we made you feel that way because that was never the intention. We didn't say anything because every single time we try to get you to open up about the situation, you get upset or say your fine. You even told us not to bring him up around you, and we were respecting that boundary. Mel, we wanted to tell you but we also didn't want to make you upset. Are intentions where in the right space but how we went about it wasn't right, so we're sorry," explained Rolesia.

"I appreciate that for real, and I'm sorry for being moody and snappy with y'all. My break up with Malik did alot to me, and I thought if I didn't talk about it that the pain would disappear. It didn't work and I didn't want to be a burden so I kept it to myself."

"Babes you can't be a burden to us, we're literal sisters. Blood couldn't have made us any thicker, and sisters lean on eachother when their down. You're not a burden to us and we love you too much for you to suffer alone. We want to be there for you but you have to let us in and trust that we got your back like we always do."

I looked over Quay and the other girls and broke down into tears. They got up and hugged me as tears streamed down my face. I hated being vulnerable and crying but I could trust them, and I needed to hear that.

"Man fuck y'all my make up is probably ruined." I laughed as I wiped my tears from my face and retouched my makeup.

"Bitch you got me crying and I don't even do that shit." Amber stated as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"Thank y'all for being my friends and always being here for me. I promise to be better at letting y'all in, if you promise to keep an open communication with me."


"Okay now that's out of the way I have to tell y'all something." We all looked at Quay, waiting for her to finish.

"I had sex with Rico in Jamaica, and it happened more than once."

I was shocked and judging by everyone's reaction, they were equally as suprised.

"Bitch when did this take place?" Risse asked just as we got our food.

"The first night when he introduced himself to the group after everyone went to sleep. I gave him my number, and he texted to ask if he could come chill with me. I said yes and he came to my room and we talked, and he had drinks and he just felt right. One thing led to another and we had sex, the other time happened when y'all went out, we fucked in his shower. That shit was phenomenal I can't even lie."

"Shit get it how you can, I'm happy for you girl. He was really feeling you and Rico is a cool dude."

"I'm happy too. I'm not going to take it serious, but he told me that he didn't want it to just be a fling. We will see since he lives in Atlanta and I live here."

We nodded in agreement before I decided to update them on my life.

"I broke up with Damian and I'm really considering letting Malik stay at my house." I took a huge sip of my drink as they all looked shocked.

"Hold on come again?" Rolesia said she grabbed my cup from me.

"I broke up with Damian. The whole time we were in Jamaica he didn't check on me, and kept ignoring my calls. I'm over him and his inconsistent shit."

"Well I'm happy for you, but back to Malik...what made you change your mind?"

"He helped me through a lot of shit before we got together, and he's always there for me when I needed him. As much as I want to say fuck him, I can't. So I spoke with Nas and Uncle Mo, and have decided to let him stay with me. I know if the tables were turned he'd do the same for me, even if we weren't in a good space. Plus the house is big enough for us to coexist with no issues."

"Well we support you in whatever decision you make, and hopefully it all works out." Amber said as everyone nodded in agreement.

We continued eating and catching up until it was time to go.

I really hope I'm making the right decision.

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