Chapter 15

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The pounding sensation in my head increased as I slowly opened my eyes. I didn't know where I was or how I got here , and I immediately began to panic. The last thing I remembered was drinking in my bathroom before everything got dark. I felt movement at the bottom of my bed and looked down at Nas and Malik watching me with looks of concern on their face.

I looked around and from the bright lights I instantly knew I was in the hospital, but how did I get here? I tried to speak but my mouth and throat felt dry. Nas got up and poured me some water from the pitcher before handing it to me. I nodded my thanks before taking slow sips, while trying my best to ignore their glares.

Nas was about to speak before the door opened. A beautiful dark skin woman with thick curly hair and a white coat walked in, she carried a clipboard and wore a warm smile. "Hey Melanie, you finally woke up. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay just a little sore and tired."

"That's normal for people who suffer from alcohol poisoning. You are lucky that your brother and friend found you when they did. Do you mind telling me what happened and about the bruises we found on your body."

I slowly recanted my story leaving out certain parts. I didn't want her in my business and I wasn't ready to talk about Damian.

She wrote everything I said down and informed me that they were going to keep me overnight to monitor and make sure I wasn't suicidal. She tried to refer me to AA classes but I informed her I was not an alcoholic, and I just had a bad lasp in judgement. She didn't fight me on it and soon her and the nurse left.

"So are you going to tell me the truth or are we going to keep lying?"

I shrunk under Nasir's glare and I did everything to avoid his eyes. I felt embarrassed and shameful about everything and I wanted to crawl under a rock. I didn't have to look up to know him and Malik were staring me down. I was confused why he was here, and I definitely didn't need his pity.

"I don't want to talk about it." I whispered as I laid back down.

"Nah fuck all of that. Do you know how fucking worried you had me Mel? I was calling you nonstop with no answer and when I pull up to your house, I find you passed out and barely breathing. We got to this point because you keep everything to your fucking self. Mel I care about you and you know I love you with every fiber in me. You, Coco, and Carlee are my hearts, please let me in so I can help you. Remember our talk in Jamaica, and we promised no more secrets. Please let me in so I can help. I can't afford to lose you and you know that. Please"

I didn't even notice the tears streaming down my face as I watched Nasir pour out his heart.We had always been super close since we were young and he was always protecting me. We shared everything with eachother no matter how good or bad it was. I know I hurt him keeping everything to myself, but I didn't want to be a burden. However, now I felt defeated and tired, and I hated who I had become. I didn't feel like fighting anymore, and I slowly began to tell him everything. From what I was hiding in my relationship, to his wife, our fight, and everything in between. He sat and listened silently as Malik stood on the other side of me. I finally finished and completely broke down, unable to stop the tears from falling. I was crying so hard I didn't even see Nas crying or notice how quiet and sad Malik had gotten. I didn't even think about how my story was probably triggering for him given everything with his mom.

"Malik I'm sorry.. I know how this can  be triggering for..." I tried to find my words as I slowly stopped crying.

"Nah you're straight, I'm just happy you're good." He stated in a low voice, his words sending a chill down my spine.

"That nigga will be dealt with, you know I couldn't stand his bitch ass but since he wants to beat on you it's on." I watched as he shot up and made his way to the door.

"No Nas! You have a wife and family, Carlee needs you in her life. If you kill him you're going to jail and he's not worth it. He will get his in the end." I tried reasoning with him but his mind was made up.

"Mel I don't want to hear it and I promise not to get caught. That nigga will see about me trust and believe. We are about to head out, and Risse is coming to stay with you for a while. We will stop by tomorrow when they discharge you. I love you."

He didn't give me a chance to say anything before he walked out with Malik right behind him.

What the fuck did I get myself into?

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