Chapter 11

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"Mel! Are you even listening to me?"

I looked up as I tried to desperately remember what she was talking about.

"I'm sorry girl, what were you saying?"

"I was asking if you wanted to come to my couples game night that I'm hosting next weekend? I know you and Damian broke up, but I still want you to come and have a good time with us."

I hadn't gotten around to telling anyone Damian and I were back together. I didn't want to hear their mouths.

"Umm there is something that I need to tell you."

She sat up and waited for me to continue.. "Dame and I got back together and we have been for a while. I told him about Malik staying at my place and he wasn't feeling it. So yesterday he stopped by the house and was so rude to Malik, he even mentioned his dad. Malik got so angry and now he won't talk to me."

She looked shocked before finally speaking.

"Okay well I won't say anything about you and Damian getting back together. You are a grown woman capable of making your own decisions, regardless of me agreeing with it or not. First you need to figure out where Damian got that information from, then have a conversation with him. After that you need to speak with Malik and hopefully he understands."

This is why I loved Risse, and I was blessed to have her as my best friend/sister. She always gave hard hitting advice and she never judged.

"You're right girl. I'm meeting with Damian after work and hopefully Malik is at the house when I make it home."

"I really do hope it works out. Also, Damian is welcome to come to the game night. It may be a good chance for everyone to get to know him better."

"Thanks for letting me vent girl"

"No problem hun. You know I'm always here for you, no matter what. I'll let you get back to your work and I'll talk to you later."

I watched as she left before turning back to my work.


The day had finally ended, and I was currently on my way to Damian's condo. We had a lot to discuss but I mainly needed to know where he found that information about Malik.

After parking my car and getting checked in, I made my way down towards his door. I knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. He finally opened the door looking fine as hell. I almost forgot what I had came over for, but I quickly refocused on my reason for showing up.

He let me in and we walked towards his living room. We each took a seat facing each other, and the silence felt awkward.

"So wassup? You said you wanted to talk."

"Um yes...what the hell was that with Malik the other day. How did you even know that information with his dad?"

He rolled his eyes before responding, "Ugh you're back on this shit again.."

"Yes I am... your whole attitude was so uncalled for especially since he was trying to be respectful. So I'm asking you again how the hell did you know that shit with his dad?"

He took a deep breathe before speaking, I could tell he was frustrated but I didn't give a fuck.

"I have a friend that works for the police department and I had him pull some records. I had to make sure that you were safe since you never told me what he went to jail for."

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