Chapter 4

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The conversation halted as Kelly and I made our way to the table, and all eyes were on us. I went around and greeted everyone and introduced Kelly before sitting at the only empty spots, which were directly in front of Mel. From the look on her face, she was shocked and angry to see me, but I was here to have a good time with my family and friends. She didn't speak as she looked down at her plate, while simultaneously doing everything in her power to avoid eye contact with me.

"Mane I'm happy y'all could make it, and it's good to finally meet you Kelly."

I looked over at Nasir before responding, "I really appreciate it man, we're happy to be here."

Kelly smiled at Nasir before we got up to get our food. It was slick awkward because there was tension but no one wanted to address it. That was fine with me, this wasn't the place to have that conversation. Despite what I felt about Mel, she was still beautiful as ever, and she looked like life had been treating her right.

We sat back down and the conversation picked back up, except Mel didn't say a word. Coco tapped her and asked her if she was okay, and that's when all hell broke loose.

"Why wouldn't I be okay... y'all clearly knew he was coming and no one felt the need to warn me. After I told y'all that I don't want anything to do with him. So I'm about to go so y'all can enjoy your lil reunion with your boy." She exclaimed as she got up from the table.

"Mane quit being dramatic and grow the fuck up. What you bitter for...if anyone should be mad it's me, but you don't see me acting like a child."

"Exactly what do you have to be upset about Malik, please humor me. You left but then again I shouldn't expect anything less from a man with commitment issues. You're a beautiful girl but be careful with him, he's not serious about commitment. He'll make you fall in love with him, and then he will hurt you, just like Tia warned me about. I'm out and don't follow me, have a happy fucking dinner."

It slick made me feel some kind of way when she mentioned Tia, but I wasn't going to go there with her.

"Well y'all's relationship is different from mine, and I know he won't hurt me."

"I felt the same way and look where it got me. You know what fuck your Malik."

"Mel it ain't going to be any more fuck mes. You mad for no reason and you acting mad childish. I heard you got a nigga, so why are you still bitter. I let that shit go so you need to grow up and quit thinking the world revolves around you. So what if I came on the trip, this is my family too. I'm trying to be respectful but you're making it hard."

"Malik shut the fuck up talking to me. You know what I'm out... y'all can enjoy this trip with y'all boy. Good night and fuck all of y'all."Before anyone could speak she got up, slammed her chair against the table, and stormed off.

Everyone sat in silence before Coco and Quay got up to check on her. The awkward tension only grew but it soon subsided once everyone went back to eating. The dinner was chill, and it was good to catch up with everyone. Afterwards Risse led us to our room which unfortunately was accross the way from Melanie. I heard her talking loudly with her girls, and I could tell they were trying to calm her down.

I sat on the bed as Kelly was talking about the dinner.

"I know you told me y'all ended on bad terms but she seemed like she still has animosity towards you. Why would she still be mad when she was the one who left you."

"Mane I don't know, she's not my concern anymore."

"I don't know babe...the tension felt like y'all had unfinished business."

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