Love letters- Jakehoon

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Dear cute puppy,

Hello. I saw this really cute puppy-looking guy and wanted to say Hey. My name is Park Sunghoon. Whats yours?

~Your no-so secret admirer :)


Park Sunghoon-
Hey. My name is Jake sim. Thank you for the compliment. I've seen you around school before, you're kinda popular keke. When and how did you get up the courage to write this letter to someone like me?



Jake cutie~

You're name is so cute, like you. Honestly, i just saw you and knew I had to shoot my shot. Plus my best friend Jay, gave me a lot of courage. We should meet up somewhere, don't you think? ;)



Ice prince~

I decided to also give you nickname HAHA. But I think we should keep doing these small letters, its kinda fun. Also, we can get to know each other more :D

P.S. we don't really have to sign our names at the end at this point keke


Jake cutie~

Aww the nickname is soo cute. How do you make everything you do or say cute? And yeah I agree, this is a fun way to get to know each other. Also signing our names would be ridiculous since we already know who its from HAHA. Anyways, since we're getting to know each other, we should ask each other questions. If you don't want to answer mine, you don't have to :) So, are you new here because I've never seen you around before, if I had I would have definitely said something way sooner ;)


Ice prince~

Wow that was long LOL. Yeah I just moved here a few days ago from Australia. Now my turn, why do people call you ice prince? I only you gave you that nickname because I heard someone calling you that in the bathroom keke


Jake cutie~

Wow Australia? That's so cool. So you have an accent too? Could you get anymore attractive- nevermind HAHAH. People call me Ice prince because I was a famous Ice skater here in Korea. I'm on hiatus for a while so I can focus on school, but I'll probably make a career out of it. So, how do you like it here?


Ice prince~

You flirt too much. But ice skating is so cool. I've always wanted to learn! Also, you were only supposed to ask one question, not three. So I'll only answer one. OF COURSE i could get more attractive. Obviously KEKE. No but seriously, I'll answer the last question too. Korea is actually pretty nice. I was a little nervous to come because my Korean wasn't that good yet, but I'm getting used to it. I can write Korean perfectly, its just the pronunciation that messes me up.


Jake meanie~

How dare you say I flirt too much? I flirt the perfect amount, thank you. I love the confidence though ;D but you better relax, or I'm gonna make sure I meet you soon. AHEM anyways, your Korean in writing is actually amazing :) but for some reason I think it would be funny to hear you struggling with your Korean. I don't know, maybe it's cause I really wanna meet you :D

P.S. If you ever wanna learn to ice skate, i know a guy ;)


Ice peasant~

You called me meanie :( so I had to attack back, sorry. What do you mean meet me soon : I would run away from you tbh. Of course, you would laugh at me, you peasant. But at least you complimented me somewhere in there keke. I really want to meet you too, soon I promise. ALSO, YOU WOULD TEACH ME TO ICE SKATE? THANK YOU. I'm a little excited haha.

P.S. You do flirt too much, I bet your friend Jay would agree


Cute puppy~

There, now don't call me peasant. And sure, thats when we can meet. I can take you to the skating rink I trained at, they know me pretty well so they'll probably let us in for free ;) You would really run away from me? Seriously? You're colder than I am. Actually, Jay is here right beside me and he agrees with you. Honestly, i don't usually flirt that much, only with you :)

-Ice prince not peasant (Had to clarify)


Ice princess~
(Because you act like one)

Ice skating sounds fun for a first time meetup :D I'm actually really excited so we should meet soon! I think I might have seen you earlier today, but I wasn't gonna go up to you, because tbh i was a little nervous haha. Back to our questions, when would you want to meetup?


Cute puppy~

Honestly princess is better than peasant. You should have at least waved when you saw me :(( to answer your question, how about two days from now? That would be this Saturday. We could write two more letters for each other, not counting this one.


Ice princess~

I should have waved, sorry :( but this Saturday works fine! I'm free keke. I'm so excited that my heart is beating really fast haha. I don't know what else to say since this is my second to last letter. It was fun writing these with you, but now we can talk in person :)


Cute puppy~

Don't be sorry, love. I'm glad we're able to meet soon and your heart is probably beating like that because you like me ;) I can't wait to see your cute face soon..


Ice princess~

Cheers to the last letter I'll write ;( but it's okay, my excitement overrides that. But don't even start being cheesy now, you gotta wait until we meet first, then you can flirt all you want. I won't admit that I like you because I don't know if I do yet. Anyways, it's been great, see ya tomorrow! :D


Cute puppy~

It has been great, puppy. Trust me, I will definitely flirt as much as I can so you will like me. I can't wait for later tonight :))) I'll miss these little letters but seeing you as happy as you sound in your letter, will make me happy too :) see ya soon!

P.S. I left my number for you at the bottom ;)

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