Blind date- Sunjay

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-Jays POV-

I brushed my hair back and messed with it until it was perfect. Then, I looked through the three outfits I had picked out, figuring out which one to wear.

All of a sudden, my door opened and my best friend, Sunghoon, walked in. "What are you doing?" He asked, looking between me and the clothes I had laid out on the bed.

"I'm getting ready for a date." I stated in a serious tone. Sunghoon's eyes went wide and he hurried over to me, a grin spreading on his face.

"You? You're going on a date?!"

I sighed and nodded my head. "Yeah, is it that surprising?"

"Yeah it kind of is. If you would have told anyone else that you were going on a date they would have the same reaction, trust me. Besides you never go out, ever." Sunghoon explained.

"I don't? Hm."

"You don't. Who are you going on a date with? Is it someone I know?" Sunghoon asked excitedly.

"Maybe. It's a blind date."

"Okay okay wait. First you're going out on a date.'s a blind date?"

" there a problem with that?" I eyed him up and down.

"No..just the fact that you said you could never go on a blind date because you might get murdered or kidnapped."

"What?! I never said that!" I defended.

"You did say that-"

"You know what? Instead of bashing me, how about help me pick an outfit out?" I suggested.

Sunghoon nodded excitedly and looked at the three outfits displayed:

Sunghoon nodded excitedly and looked at the three outfits displayed:

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