Strangers- Jaywon

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Jay slammed the door of his house, walking down his neighborhood street. He felt angry and irritated. He just had it out with his parents for the hundredth time this week, except this was worse. Of course, it was snowing so he was angry and freezing.

He didn't know where he was going or who he was gonna call. He didn't really have anyone to call because his parents always distanced him from others.

He decided to go to the closest park near his house to calm down. As soon as he got there he went to find his usual bench. This is his usual spot when he needs to calm down. He was so angry that he didn't even notice someone else sitting on the bench too.

"Um-hello.." Jay quickly looked up at the stranger. He thought he was alone this whole time. His anger seemed to die down after seeing how much the stranger looked like an angel, especially in the snow.

"Hi." Jay said calmly. "I'm Jay."

"Jungwon." He smiled slightly, showing off his dimples. Jay couldn't help but smile back, the dimples just made him even cuter.

"So, why are you out so late- Oh god you must be freezing." Jay said, noticing the poor angel didnt have a jacket. Jay removed his first jacket and handed it to him.

Jungwon just shook his head, "No, I'm f-fine. I can't take that from you." He stuttered a little from the cold.

"Yes you can. If you don't take this I will force it on you." Jungwon raised his eyebrows a little.

"I'm sorry I'll just feel bad sitting here, warm, while you're dying over here." Jay stated. Jungwon laughed and decided to take the jacket. That made Jay feel better and warmer than before. He suddenly forgot the coldness of the snow after hearing his laugh and seeing his dimples again.

Was he falling in love with a stranger?

"You didn't answer my question from before..why are you out here?" Jay asked.

"Oh..well I got into a big argument with my brother and decided to walk it off. I didn't really know where I was going, we just moved into the neighborhood." Jungwon explained.

Jay sighed, "I got into an argument with my parents. That's why I'm here." He chuckled slightly.

"Oh, was it bad?" Jungwon asked, he seemed genuinely worried even though he didn't know the older very well.

"Yeah, a little. But let's not talk about our bad night. We can just enjoy the snow a little." Jay smiled, watching the snow fall. Jungwon smiled at that and decided to watch it with him. They both seemed to forget about what had happened earlier and just enjoyed each other's presence.

Jungwon liked the older already. He seemed very caring and calm, even though he had just gotten into an argument with his parents. Somehow, this made Jungwon feel calmer too.

After a while, Jay decided to start up a conversation with the other. "Where did you move from?" Jay asked, turning to him.

"Busan. So not very far. My brother wanted to move away from there and since I really had no choice I had to come with him." Jungwon explained. Jay wondered about his parents but decided not to ask, he thought it would come off rude.

"Oh. I've never really been out of Seoul so I know where everything is basically." Jay chuckled.

"Oh, good. Then maybe you could help me when I need to get somewhere." Jungwon sighed in relief. Jay nodded amd smiled warmly at the younger. He felt happier knowing he might see him again after this unexpected meeting.

"Well I live just down that way if you ever need me. We might even be going to the same school." Jay boasted.

Jungwon smiled sadly, "Probably not. My brother insists on schooling me at home. That was one of the things we were arguing about."

"Oh, why would he want to do that, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I'm not sure. I've never been to a public school before because he's always done it but I suggested about going to regular school this year and he exploded." Jungwon explained. Jay caught his sad tone and instantly felt guilty. He realized he argued with his parents about the dumbest thing compared to what Jungwon argued with his brother about.

"Jungwon, I think he might just want to protect you, but he's gotta learn to let you have your freedom too. I think you should tell him that, he might get mad but you need to fight for your freedom." Jay said.

"Wow. Yeah I should, maybe he'll eventually let me go to school. Hopefully before the new year starts."

Jay nodded and they continued many conversations. They laughed and joked with each other the whole time. Jungwon enjoyed teasing Jay, since he would get so defensive. It was hilarious.

Jay then checked the time. 2am. They have already been out here for 3 hours. Jay sighed sadly and stood up. He didn't want to stop talking to Jungwon but he didn't want to keep him out so late.

"I think we should go home now since we had time to cool off." Jay said, holding his hand out for Jungwon to take.

Jungwon nodded and took his hand, standing up too. "Yeah, probably. It's getting so cold that I think we might be ice cubes by daylight." They both laughed at that comment and let go of each others hands. That sudden warmth they felt when they held hands was gone and it saddened both of them.

"Well, this is goodbye for now-" Before Jay could finish, Jungwon had engulfed him in the biggest hug. "Thank you, Jay."

"For what?" Jay chuckled, hugging him back.

"For being the kindest stranger in existence."

And with that, they both let go of their long lasted hug and waved goodbye to each other as they headed off back home.

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