My crush- Sungwon

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Jungwon tried to focus on class, but the teacher was talking in such a boring tone, it was hard to. Soon he just decided to give up and focus on something else. Or someone else. He's had a crush on the student council president for months now. Park Sunghoon.

He was just so caring and sweet to everyone it was hard not to "fall in love." Jungwon liked to call it love but his friend Jake said he was too young to know what love was. At this point, he didn't care what it actually meant or cared to find out, he just wanted to be in the presence of the older. It made him happy and thats all he cared about.

The bell suddenly rung, forcing Jungwon out of his love stare, and started packing his things. He stood up only to be met with Park Sunghoon himself.

"Oh- hello." Jungwon waved a little. Sunghoon smiled, "Hello. I have a question for you."

Jungwons heart beat faster with every second Sunghoon stood there. He could barely focus on what the other was saying and just nodded.

"I am in need of a new Vice President for the council. The old one was my good friend but he keeps getting himself in trouble and that's apparently a problem. Anyways, would you like to be the new Vice President?" Sunghoon asked.

"Oh sure- but why me?" Jungwon really wanted to know. Could it be that Sunghoon actually acknowledged his feelings and felt the same way? But that would be crazy.

"Well you're a good student from what I've heard, I just hope it's true."

"Yeah of course it is." Jungwon smiled and nodded.

"Great, thank you." Sunghoon gave a sigh of relief and patted Jungwons shoulder before leaving the room. This made Jungwon a little flustered. He knew he was blushing like crazy and tried to hide it but it was too late before he heard someone laughing in front of him.

"You really are in love." Jake said in a teasing tone. Jungwon just rolled his eyes and walked out with Jake following close behind.

Jake decided not to tease him anymore and walked silently beside him. But after a while he couldn't hold it in anymore. "So what did he-"

"Ughh, you were quiet for so long why ruin it?" Jungwon said, interrupting him. Jake chuckled and they finally arrived the the cafeteria. Sitting with their other two friends, Sunoo and Heeseung.

"Hyung, Jungwons got a date." Jake blurted.

"Jake!" Jungwon face-palmed and felt himself blush again.

Heeseung and Sunoo laughed at Jungwon before Heeseung responded, "Is that so?"

"No. It is not so." Jungwon said in a mocking tone. "Sunghoon just asked me to be the Vice President."

"Ooo, Jungwons moving up. What's next? Your hand in marriage?" Sunoo teased.

"Agggh, shut up." Jungwon knew he shouldn't have told his friends about his crush on Sunghoon, but he couldn't help it. He had to tell someone.

Then, someone had suddenly tapped him on the shoulder making him turn around. It was Soobin, the student council secretary.  Him and Jungwon were good friends so it wasn't unusual for them to talk every once in a while.

"Hi Soobin Hyung."

"Hi wonie. Don't forget about the meeting later this afternoon, Sunghoon forgot to tell you."

Jungwon nodded and Soobin then left.

"Ooh yeah. I should of told you about that but I don't usually keep up with that stuff." Jake said. Jake was also apart of the Council. He was the treasurer. But he didn't like the responsibilities of being one he just likes having some type of power over the school which always made his friends laugh.

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