Jay's garden- Heejay

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Heeseung just got off the phone with Jake, feeling so excited. Jake has decided to go to Australia for the week and didn't want to take his dog Layla this time, so he trusted Heeseung to watch her. He was already on the way with her and Heeseung couldn't contain his excitement.

He has always wanted a dog but never got one because he was always too busy. Even if he was only watching Layla for a week, it was still exciting to him.

Finally, after at least an hour, Jake pulled in with Layla. Heeseung ran outside immediately and Jake just laughed at how excited he was.

After all the rules and requirements Jake had for Layla to get through the week, he left after spending a little bit of time with Layla and Heeseung.

Heeseung decided he should get Layla used to him so she will be more comfortable with him during the week. He went out to the front yard, with her on the leash, and played with her.

After a few moments, Heeseung wanted to get her some treats from inside the house, so he tied her to the porch since it wouldn't take him too long.

When he came back out, Layla had just gotten loose from the leash.

"LAYLA NOO." Heeseung screamed, dropping everything and running after her. He didn't know she was sneaky he thought looking after her would be easy.

He followed her across the street to the house in front of him. He didn't know who lived here but he knew it was a new person. He hoped they wouldn't get too mad he was in their yard.

He finally caught up to the speedy dog only to find her digging up the garden that looked like the neighbors had just put up.

"LAYLA." Heeseung whispered yelled. He slowly walked up to her so he wouldn't run off again and finally got her by the collar.

"We're both gonna be in big trouble now." Heeseung said, sighing.

Suddenly the front door of the house opened and out came a younger looking guy. He had blonde hair and sharp jawline. To Heeseung, he looked pretty attractive. But he erased that thought from his mind as soon as he saw his angry face.

"What are you doing?!" Jay asked, clearly upset.

"I-I'm sorry, my friends dog got loose and-"

"I don't care! Just leave." Jay yelled.

Heeseung understood his frustration and dragged Layla back to his house. He felt really guilty and wanted to help in some way.

He knew he couldn't do anything now especially since that guy was so angry.

So he waited until the next day and (without Layla) he walked over to the angry guys house. He thought that he should of brought a peacemaker like brownies or something but it was too late now.

When he walked into the driveway he could see the angry guy working on the garden. He felt even more guilty because the guy looked really sad.

He immediately walked up to him and started helping him with the garden. The angry guy jumped back and looked at Heeseung confused.

"What are you-"

"I'm sorry for what happened, and I feel really bad. So please let me help you fix it." Heeseung pleaded.

The angry guy just sighed and nodded his head for him to continue. They started working on the garden together and Heeseung decided this would be a good chance to learn more about his new neighbor.

"So how important is this garden?" Heeseung asked nervously. He was a little scared for the response.

"Very important." Angry guy replied shortly.

"Oh..sorry..again." Heeseung said quietly. He thought he didn't want to talk so stayed quiet.

"It's okay." He sighed a little. He didn't want Heeseung to feel bad, it wasn't his fault. "I just built this garden based off of someone I really cared about. They're not here anymore though."

Heeseung listened closely and looked at the other sympathetically. Now he really felt bad.

"My names Jay by the way." He said to change the topic.


Jay nodded and they went back to the garden. They spent all day fixing it perfectly and Jay even made them lunch. Heeseung couldn't lie..it was very good.

"So, wheres the dog?" Jay asked curiously. They were sitting on his porch steps drinking lemonade. They had just finished the garden and it even looked better than before.

"Oh she's in the backyard at my house. I didn't think it would appropriate to bring her." Heeseung chuckled.

Jay gently smiled and nodded. "Honestly I'm not mad anymore. I mean, you spent your whole day just to help me. Thank you."

"You're welcome Jay."

They finished up their lemonade and their conversation.

"Well, I should go feed Layla, she's probably starving." Heeseung explained.

"Yeah, you should. You should also bring her over tomorrow. I also have a dog and they could play together." Jay suggested.

"Sure! I know Layla is a friendly dog so it should be fine." Heeseung smiled happily. He was excited to finally get along with his neighbor.

"Great. See you tomorrow!" Jay waved and Heeseung walked back home grinning ear to ear. He might actually get closer to Jay and help him through the pain he's going through.

He felt the happiest he's felt in this neighborhood and was glad to make a new friend.

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