Coffee Notes- Jayhoon

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(The whole story is told in Jays POV)
A/N: Also the song has nothing to do with the plot, its just a nice song to listen to 🥲 plus it's called coffee so why not :)


I looked over at my best friend, Sunghoon as we were walking from school. He was talking about some person he thinks he might like but I was barely listening. I was just thinking about getting to that Cafe as quickly as possible.

We stopped at hoons house and he waved bye to me. I waved back and stood there for a minute to make sure he was fully gone. Then I quickly ran before I was late getting there.

I arrived three minutes before they closed and quickly walked in.

"Park Jongseong. How many times have I told you that we close at four on weekdays. Here you are coming in three minutes early."

I looked at the store owner and sighed. "I'm sorry Mr. Kim but you know I had too."

He just shook his head and sighed. "Alright order quickly and write your note."

I smiled and ordered my drink. While I waited I walked over to the cork board and looked at all the recent notes until I found a new one. The one I was waiting for. Theres a cork board in the Cafe where you can write notes for people to find. I once found one and decided to respond to it. Now me and whoever this person is has been talking back to each other for weeks. We usually just ask questions about each other so we can get to know each other. Also it'll help me know who this person is.

The main thing that will help me that I already know is that he's a guy and he goes to my school.

I read the note:

We could meet one day if you'd want to

I smile but quickly stop before someone questioned me, especially Mr. Kim. He always teases me about writing and crushing on this stranger. The worst part is, is that he knows who the stranger is. He refuses to tell me.

I quickly write my response and grab my drink on my way out before Mr. Kim scolds me again.


The next day all I could think about was what was on that note. This stranger that I've been talking to for weeks now wants to meet? Don't get me wrong I'm kind of excited, but also nervous. What if it's a prank or not someone I expect?

"Hey why are you thinking so hard over there." Sunghoon said, holding his sandwich up. It was lunchtime and we were in the cafeteria eating, except I wasn't eating. I was thinking about the note.

"I'm not thinking about anything." I responded and looked around the cafeteria. I wonder who this mysterious person could be.

"Says the one who ran from my house yesterday. Where were you going?" Hoon eyed me suspiciously.

I widened my eyes and cleared my throat. I could lie. "Nowhere. Just home, my mom was cooking again."

"And you didn't invite me?! I love when your mom cooks!" Sunghoon said, glaring at me.



Sunghoon cut me off and I looked at him with confusion.

"You live in the other direction. You were heading towards town. Who were you meeting hm?" Sunghoon questioned.

"No one! Jeez, what's your problem. I just went out to buy some stuff for my mom to cook." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh.." Sunghoon nervously chuckled. "My bad."

"Yeah..your bad." I scoffed and stood up. "I'ma head to class it starts soon." I lied.


I headed to the rooftop because I had something important I had to do. I thought about my response to the letter from yesterday:

How about we meet tomorrow at school on the roof? A little but after lunch.

I knew he would see it because he tells me he comes by the cafe everyday before school.

I look out from the roof waiting to see if he would actually come. I thought to myself how stupid I must be, i mean he said one day. What if he wasn't expecting to meet so soon so he backs out? It was seriously stressing me out and I couldn't help but pace around.

Then I heard a loud sound that sounded like the rooftop door opening. That's when I rolled my eyes. Sunghoon had came out of it, he must have followed me out here.

"What is it hoon, why are you here?"

"Why are you here? I'm meeting someone, thank you." Sunghoon shot back. I widened my eyes but quickly shook the thought out my head. There's no way...

"I'm also meeting someone." I slightly chuckle. He widened his eyes too and looked like he was seriously thinking about something.

"Umm...wait so...the Cafe notes...that was you?" Sunghoon said, still not believing it. I widened my eyes once more. So it was him. I slowly nodded and sighed.
"Well..that's kind of funny." He chuckled. I chuckled too and we just stood there for second. I wasn't sure what to say or do.

"Yeah..why didn't we just talk to each other like this? Were we just too nervous?" I asked.

"I was." Sunghoon slightly smiled and looked down.

"It's okay, I was too." I reassured him. "How about we go to the Cafe and grab something to eat."

"And do what?"

"Just talk." I smiled.

"Oh but what about class?" Sunghoon said, surprised I would skip class just to go to the Cafe. I mean, I was shocked too.

"I don't really care about that right now." I said, grabbing his hand and leading him out. I knew we had a lot to talk about and it couldn't wait. We said a lot through notes that needed to be said in person.


A/N: okay this chapter kind of sucked but thats okay :) I'm probably gonna make a part two and also...

Would you guys like a part two of any of my previous stories?? If so, lmk and I'll do my best to do that :))

Anyways I love you guys, have a good day!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 ⏰

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