Room for two- Jaywon

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Jungwon was walking to his new office, finally happy it was time for school since he gets to check it out. That was one of the perks when you become the student council president.

He was almost there when someone suddenly bumped into him from behind.

"Agh! Ow." Jungwon turned around, feeling frustrated.

"Jeez, don't be dramatic." The guy who bumped into him said.

"Me? How about you watch where your going?" Jungwon defended.

"Oh I forgot how entitled you are because of your new title, Mr. President." The guy mocked.

"Park Jongseong and Yang Jungwon, you're needed in the deans office." A student suddenly said, interrupting them. He then walked away without another word.

"Hm. We probably have to go because you broke someone else's nose." Jungwon said, glaring at Jay.

"I told you that was an accident. Stop being such a baby. Besides, I haven't done anything. You probably did something." Jay defended.

"Me? Why would I do something? I'm the-"

"Yes we know. The student council president." Jay mocked.

Jungwon pushed back the urge to punch him and scoffed. "You know what Jongseong-"

"No I don't know what but I'm sure you're gonna tell me." Jay rolled his eyes and walked off toward the deans office. Jungwon followed him, rambling on and on about all the things he's done and how there will be consequences if he continues.

Jay suddenly stops on the middle of the hallway and turns to Jungwon. "Dude shut up, where's the deans office?"

"I don't know." Jungwon shurgs.

"You don't know? You're the student council president! How do you not know?"

"I- don't know." Jungwon looked around, embarrassed. It was his second year in Highschool and it was his first time being president. He also has never had to go to the deans office before, so he doesn't know where it is.

"Shouldn't you know? You're the one always getting in trouble, you've been there before right?" Jungwon said.

"I do not get in trouble that much." Jay defended. "I have been to the office only once, and that was my first year of highschool. How do you expect me to remember where it is?"

Jungwon sighed, "Well it can't be hard to find. Let's just look for it." He then walked off before Jay could protest and looked around for the office. They walked around for a little while before they seen a room that looked like an office. Jungwon knocked on the door but it didn't open.

Jay rolled his eyes and turned the knob, opening the door.

"You can't just walk in there!" Jungwon shouted.

"I just did." Jay said, walking in the room.

"If I get in trouble.." Jungwon mumbled and walked in the room.

In the middle of the room was a desk, a desk chair, and a computer on the desk. They were pretty sure they were in the right place so decided to wait there for the dean.

All of a sudden the door shut, locking them both inside. Jay frantically tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"What the.."

"It's locked?" Jungwon asked.

"Obviously." Jay rolled his eyes for the nth time.

Jungwon sighed and sat on the floor. "Great." He pouted a little.

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