Chapter 8: Fear Sets In

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Kira's POV
I could tell it was way worse than before the next morning. I woke up on the couch with Akari standing over me.

"Are you sick, mommy?"

"No." I said, getting up from the couch and changing quickly in the nearest bathroom, including wrapping my hand with new bandages, and then exiting it and heading to work in my car.

I didn't want to do anything that could potentially hurt Akari, which explained why I gave her a brief answer and walked away from her. I was afraid of hurting her in some way if I prolonged the conversation.

Once I walked into my workplace, the receptionist at the front desk didn't say good morning like she usually did. She was probably scared of provoking me in some way, which I understand. I didn't say anything to her for my own reasons, which I'm sure you can already guess, and opened the door that led into the prison.

I walked around and noticed the prisoners in their cells almost immediately. A lot of them were staring at me, but with fear instead of indifference like they usually did.

I started to check on the cells and make sure the prisoners weren't doing anything stupid, but noticed that they were too fixated on me to do anything dumb.

"Must be because of my recent behavior....thanks, stupid serum." I thought.
When I finished my patrol, I walked into the breakroom.

"Why do the prisoners seem scared of you?" Lucas asked me this as soon as I sat down.

"It's a long story."


"Forget it." I said, avoiding eye contact.

Without another word, Lucas sat in the seat across from me.
I had done another patrol and was back in the breakroom.

As the day passed by, I noticed my friends seemed rather quiet. They'd usually be seen talking to each other, but I noticed that they all seemed to be focused on me.

"Now you've scared them as well. Great. Wonderful. They probably won't want to be your friend anymore." My thoughts raced through my head.

Thanks a lot for your dumb serum, S. Real nice of you.

Yes, that was sarcasm.

Still, I do wonder why he picked me. I guess he had been watching me for a while.

Wait....forget that. I don't want to think about that. That makes him sound like more of a weirdo than he already is.

As I quietly sat at my seat, someone sat across from me. When I looked to see who it was, it was Daichi.

"Don't go breaking another mirror." He joked. I could tell he was trying to get a smile out of me, but it didn't work.

He studied my reaction for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Usually you smile when I joke around, but you didn't this time. T-"

Before he could speak again, I stood up from my chair in a fast manner, nearly knocking it over behind me with so much force since I had stood up so fast.

"YOUR JOKES AREN'T FUNNY, OKAY?! THEY'RE DUMB! STOP TRYING TO BE FUNNY ALREADY! JUST SHUT UP, OKAY?! LEAVE ME ALONE!" The words came out of my mouth at full speed and volume without a way to stop them.

Daichi looked at me, confused, along with a shocked expression on his face. He looked like he was trying to find a good response to what I said.

Realizing what came out of my mouth, my body grew cold. My eyes widened.

"I-I'm sorry....I-I didn't mean that...." I muttered, beginning to look around the room in a panic since I didn't know what to do.

Daichi stood up from his seat and began to walk over to me.

"Kira, calm do-"

"St-Stay away!" I said, turning around and running out of the room.

"Hey, someone outside wanted to see you, but are you okay? I heard you yelling at someone." Senia said to me, but I rushed past her, not saying a word for fear of making things worse.

I muttered something about leaving early. Before I knew it, I had run past the recepionist's desk and was outside in the rain. Stepping to the side of the station, I looked into the sky, wondering what to do.

With my back pressed against the wall, I slumped to the floor, my arms draping over my knees as I looked towards my feet. I didn't care that I was getting soaked. No, not at all.

"I just want this to be over."

"You came out here pretty quick." Said someone who sounded like S. Looking to my left, I saw him standing behind the trash cans in the alley behind the police station, arms crossed as he stared at me. I began to stand up, staring at him as well, confused as to why he was here until I remembered what Senia said to me in the police station.

"Oh. She must've meant S." I said, assuming she had been talking about him since it made sense.

Think about it. Who else would try to get me to take time off work just to talk to me?

Oh....I guess Yuki, Neon, and Kori would do this if they had to tell me something really important, but you know who I meant.

I started to walk over to him to see what he wanted.

"You want to talk to me about the serum, don't you?" I said once I had gotten closer to him.

"Yes I do."

"Answer me this." I said, getting closer to him, then grabbing his shirt collar and pulling him closer to me. He looked kinda scared, but since I didn't like him, I didn't mind that.

"Why did you choose me? Why did you inject that stupid serum in me?" I asked him, letting go of his shirt collar. He straightened his suit before answering me.

"You want to know?"

"That's why I asked, moron."

S chuckled.

"Well, it's because I know how strong you are. I wanted to see if that serum could enhance your strength. Oh, and I wanted you on my side."

"What!? Why?" 

"Because I know you could do great things for me."

I pulled back my right fist and threw it at him, but he caught it in his hand. With a smirk, he started to ask me another question.

"Oh, and Kira?"

"What now?" I said in an annoyed tone.

"There's another reason why I'm here. You see...." His voice trailed off as he finally let my hand go, both of our hands falling to our sides.

"The serum takes complete control of you tonight, so enjoy this last night."


End chapter

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