Chapter 4: Yuki's Worries

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Yuki's POV
I didn't leave Kori's house. I had to figure out what just happened.

Was that an imposter? Kira was short tempered, but she wouldn't lash out at a friend like that or attack them like that. Maybe yell at them, but not have any intentions of making sure they bleed.

Everyone was sitting in the dining room at the seats we sat at for lunch. None of us were sure what to say after what happened until Kori broke the silence.

"Ow....what's wrong with Kira, Yuki?" Kori asked, wincing in pain as he rubbed his back.

"I don't know. She's been different since this morning. You could say she woke up grumpy." I said, resting my chin in my left hand as I picked at my placemat with my right.

"Maybe something happened to her that she doesn't want you to know about." Neon said.

"No, no, Neon. If something happened to Kira, she'd tell me."

But after what happened today, I wasn't sure anymore.

"I don't know, Daddy. Something about Mommy seemed off yesterday." Akari said, getting off her chair. She walked over to me.

"And why's that?" I asked her.

"I saw Mommy watching cartoons last night." Akari responded, climbing onto my lap.

Without a word, I stared at her and slowly started to smile. Then everyone quickly followed with laughter.

"That doesn't mean anything, sis!" Sousuke said.

"Yeah! Maybe Mom just likes cartoons. Oh, that was so cute!" Jaden laughed, slowly leaning out of her chair until she fell out of it.

Everyone looked at where Jaden was sitting. She sat back in her chair and gave us a thumbs up.

"I'm okay." She said.

"Oh, thanks, Akari. We needed that." Neon said while she smiled at her. Akari looked around, but with a look of confusion on her face instead of a smile.

"But I was being serious." She said as she looked up at me, so I shrugged.

"So anyway, did you notice Kira acting any different yesterday, Yuki?" Neon asked.

I closed my eyes and tried to remember what happened yesterday.

"Well, Kira said she had a shorter shift, but she wasn't acting any different, I think. This morning was very different, though." I said.

"But are you sure nothing different happened to her? Maybe she's keeping a secret. Ask her later." Kori said. I shrugged.

"Kira must be a bad wife, then." Ren said, picking at her placemat, causing me to look at her.

"No, Ren. She was never that aggressive." I said.

"But shouldn't people who are married tell each other secrets? What good is your wife if she can't tell you a secret? You're much nicer than her. I don't know what you see in her. You deserve someone better, Yuki." Ren said, crossing her arms as her back gently hit her chair.

This coming from someone who was around 11 or 12. Wow.

"Ren! Don't say things like that!" Neon said. Confused now, Ren looked at her Mother.

"Ren, I understand if what happened today left a bad taste in your mouth, but that was harsh." Kori said.

I Iifted Akari out of my lap and looked at Ren.


Ren turned her attention to me.

"I know Kira isn't the most feminine woman on the planet-at all, actually-but I still love her. What I see in Kira isn't something you understand right now, but when you're older, you will. Trust me. Love works in mysterious ways."

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