Chapter 15: Plan in Action

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"Yeah, I'm free. Last second thing again?"

"Yeah. Would you also be able to take care of Neon and Kori's kid?"

"I don't see why not."

"Cool. See you later."

"Later, Yuki."


I put my phone back into my pocket and walked back into the living room to tell Kori and Neon that Daichi was on his way to babysit the kids.

"I'll go get Ren and bring her here." Neon said, walking out of the room.

Soon after that, Neon had brought Ren into my house and Daichi had come through the door, and once that happened, Neon walked back outside. My kids hugged him as soon as they saw him.

"Uncle Daichi!" My kids said in unison as they all smiled up at him.

They call him that because of how close they are with him. Daichi's not related to us.

"Hey, kids!" Daichi said, bending down to hug them, "What's happening?"

"Nothing much! Can we play a game!?" Akari asked, looking up at him, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Sure! What kind of game do you want to play?"

The kids immediately started running to their room, almost knocking Daichi over in the process as he stood up.

"BOARD GAMES!" They all yelled in unison, Daichi watching them as they disappeared into the twins' room.

Daichi then looked at me.

"So where's Kira? She's usually here with you."

"Neon, Kori, and I are going to pick Kira up."

"Is she okay? She was acting pretty weird at work and now she's not there anymore."

"It's a long story, man, trust me on that. Either I or Kira can tell you about that sometime later."

"I guess that's fine. I'll stay here with the kids. You go and get Kira back."

I started walking towards the door, but as I stood before it, I turned my head back in Daichi's direction.

"Thanks for treating Kira, me, and the kids so well over the years."

"It's no problem. Kira and I did date, after all, and we agreed to stay friends, so why not, right?" He responded, shrugging as he grinned.

"Yeah. Thanks again." I said, and then my kids came back into the room while carrying a board game in their hands. They set it down on the coffee table. I watched as Daichi walked towards them and sat in front of the coffee table.

I turned back to the door, opened it, and walked outside. Kori and Neon were already waiting for me.

"Ready?" I asked them.

They nodded their heads, showing they were ready for what was coming. We began walking down the sidewalk as I went over the plan with them one last time.

"Remember, Himeko has to take us there first, and once there, she'll decide whether or not she wants to join us in the fight or not. If she does or doesn't, we find Kira and get her out of the state of mind she's in."

"You said she got some type of serum in her, right? How does she get it out?" Neon asked, looking at me as she rubbed her knuckles, most likely nervous about what we were going to do soon.

"I don't know. She didn't tell me about that. If we get to her in time, she might be able to take the serum out herself."

"I get the feeling something bad is going to happen." Kori said from behind me. I began to walk faster, wanting to get to Himeko as soon as I could now.

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