Chapter 16: Taking Kira On

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"This took a dark turn." Kori said.

"A WAY dark turn, Kori." Neon responded, looking at him, then looked back at my Father as she shook her head.

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO KIRA!??" I yelled, racing towards him with outstretched hands and watching as he easily dodged my hands, slinking to the left side of him with a smirk on his face and his hands behind his back.

"You may not remember, Yuki, but I already told you this back when you were a teenager. Kira would make a great asset to the team, and after all these years, I finally have her under my control."

"Yeah, under your control. You didn't give her the choice about whether or not she wanted to work for you! You forced her to work with you." I said.

Dad shrugged, a grin on his face as he began to retrace his steps backwards.

"It's a win for me, my boy."

"It's a loss for me."

"For all of us." Neon responded, her and Kori now taking a stand next to me.

"Ah, Kori and Neon...I remember you guys from back in your high school days. Ah, how the years fly by, right?"

"That's the only thing we'll agree about." Kori and Neon said in unison. Hearing that, they looked at each other with a smile, and then looked back at Saturo as they quickly replaced their smiles with a frown.

"Release Kira from your control!" Himeko yelled at him, her fists shaking, her face showing nothing but pure anger.

"It doesn't work like that, miss Nezumi."

"Then I'll make it work!" Himeko said, rushing at my Dad to throw a punch at him, which he dodged. He chuckled at her attempt to hurt him.

"Oh, it's not me you guys are fighting. It's her." He said, turning to his left side and pointing to Kira.

Kira stood there, motionless, staring either at nothing or past us. Silently, she raised her right hand, then her left, and we watched as a fireball was flaring about in both her hands. In her eyes, you could see no one was there anymore except for the flames on her hands. Her eyes looked nearly dead. I noticed how scarred up her right hand was in the fireball's light.

With a chuckle, my Dad turned around and walked towards the left side of the room. I watched as he smirked at us, almost begging us to fight my wife, and then he turned around as he opened the door to his left, walking out and closing it behind him.

When I looked back at Kira, she had raised her right hand, and without warning, launched the fireball in my direction. I dodged it, turning my head as I watched it smash through the wall far behind us.


Kira was always strong, but I never saw her do anything like that before. With her pyrokinesis, that is. She's able to do something like that with her super strength.

I watched as she rushed at her Mother. Before Himeko could do anything, Kira forcefully slammed her into the floor, the ground shattering around Himeko which left her laying in her own hole in the ground, unable to shake off what had just happened to her. I could hear her pained groans as Kira ran at Kori next.

I watched as Kori tried to block her oncoming punch with his arms, but failed as Kira managed to knock him onto his rear. She then picked him up by the shirt collar and was about to punch him, but Kori grabbed her head and managed to throw her off of him, loosening her grip on his shirt collar and sending her onto her rear as well.

Next was Neon's turn. Trying to protect herself and Kori, she threw a shield around the two of them, protecting them and buying them some time at the moment.

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