Chapter 1: The Mysterious Meeting

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Magi. That's a being with supernatural powers. That is what I am. An Earth type magi, to be exact, and sometimes known as a physical user. That means I have powers associated with the earth such as super strength, but I also have pyrokinesis.

Oh, right. My name is Kira Tachibanna. Yes, spelled with two n's.

My hair has always been on the shorter, boyish side, and is dark blue. I have more of a muscular body frame as well because of my job as a police officer, but it was muscular before that, too.

There's spiritual magi, which have powers that can range from healing to seeing spirits. They can see any spirits relating to the spirit world. All of them can have healing powers. That's what my sister is. They can also have telekinesis, empathy, telepathy, and teleportation. Depending on the user, they can use their powers and emotion to connect to each other.

I had recently gotten off work and walked into my house. As soon as I stepped through the door, my kids ran up to me. I bent down as they hugged me.

I should mention I have three kids. Two of them are semi identical twins, one male, the other female. The other kid, Akari, was born a few years later.

"Mama! Daddy finished cooking!" My son, Sousuke, said.

"He did? What did he make?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Food!" My daughter, Jaden, said.

"Yeah, but what kind?"

"Uh....I think it was chicken. But he saved some for you!" Akari said, walking between her siblings and putting her hands on my knees with a smile on her face.

The twins are twelve. Akari is six.

"Yup. That's your daddy." I said.

"My wife is back from work!" A familiar voice from behind me said. It was my husband, Yuki Tachibanna.

"Hey Yuki! Thanks for savin' me a piece a' chicken." I said, turning around to face him. Yuki smiled as we walked into the kitchen together where he pointed to the microwave, indicating to check the oven.

Oh, and he's an adorable person who must be protected at all costs. My pretty boy. That's a nickname I called him back in high school, and as you can tell, I still continue to call him that. Sometimes I do, anyway.

"Of course! What kind of husband would I be if I made dinner for our kids but not for you?" Yuki asked.

"A bad one, I guess." I said, looking through the microwave. Inside it was a piece of chicken sitting on a plate.


As he walked away to our room, the microwave dinged. Once I finished eating the piece of chicken, it was time for bed.

I walked into the bedroom I share with Yuki to see him asleep and already changed for bed in a baggy white t-shirt, and of course his underwear.

"Ha! Look at that pretty boy, already changed for bed and asleep." I shook my head and crossed my arms, chuckling and smiling as I noticed him letting out light snores.

Soon after I got changed for bed, I was laying next to him in bed. When I rolled onto my side, Yuki wrapped his arms around my waist.

"My sweet little Kira...." He muttered. I chuckled. He must've been dreaming about me again.

I took his arms off me and moved them to his side, but then his hands slid up my waist, to my sides, and his arms wrapped around me again.

I shrugged. Why not? I let his arms stay there. It took a while, but I finally fell asleep.
It was weird, just like most dreams are.

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