Chapter 12: The Next Assignment

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3rd person POV
It was night time back at the lab and Kira was waiting for her next assignment. She was currently sitting on her bed and staring at the wall in front of her.

"Kira." S said, standing in front of Kira's door.

"Yes?" Kira said, her head turning to him while she stayed put on her bed.

"I have another assignment for you."

"What is it?"

"I want you to go to these addresses." S replied as he handed her a piece of paper. Standing up and walking over to him, Kira took the piece of paper and looked at it.

"Why?" Kira asked, looking at the two addresses listed on the paper.

"I think it would be good for you."

Confused, Kira raised her head from the paper and raised a brow as she looked at S.

"I'm afraid I don't understand the assignment."

Narrowing his eyes, S reached out and patted Kira's shoulder.

"Just think of it as a break from committing crimes."

Kira still looked at him with confusion on her face, but walked past him and down the hall to the labratory's door, tucking the piece of paper into her right pocket of her pants, crumpling it up in the process.

"I still don't understand what he means or what this is about, but I guess I could use a little break." She thought, opening the door that led to the outside of the laboratory.

She walked outside as the cool air blew around her. Walking further away from the laboratory, she soon found herself looking up into the sky as she walked out into the city.

"Still, I wonder why I'm doing this...." Kira thought as she walked into town and looked around.

Looking around the town, a part of Kira wondered why it looked so familiar. She was sure she never saw it before, but a part of her couldn't shake the feeling that she has indeed see this town before.

But why? She couldn't answer that question if you were to ask her about it.

Wondering where she could be, Kira took the piece of paper out from her pocket and uncrumpled it, scanning the piece of paper over as she laid her eyes on the first address. 

Continuing to walk around the town, she finally found the first address on the paper. Walking up to the house, she walked around it and found herself looking through one of the windows. The window she had been looking through consisted of a bedroom in the center of the room with two nightstands on each side of the bed and two dressers on the right side of the room, but because of how dark the night was, she couldn't see much else of what was in the room besides the couple sleeping on the bed in front of her. On the bed, her back facing Kira, was a woman with long black hair and wearing a long sleeved, light blue nightshirt, and no pants that Kira could see unless she was wearing short shorts under the shirt. Next to the woman was a man with short brown hair and wearing a medium sized white shirt and gray pajama shorts.

Kira backed away from the window and walked to the opposite side of the house. When she saw another window, she peered into it and saw a little girl, approximately eight years old, sleeping on her bed, but this time against the wall of the room. To be more precise, her bed was up against the wall with the window that Kira was looking through. She had long brown hair that was strewn about on her pillow. Being unable to see anything else and not wanting to see anything else, Kira stepped away from the window.

That's right. This was the Kazumi's house.

Kira was more confused than before. She still wasn't quite sure what she was doing, but these people she saw....

....They seemed familiar to her.

Kira didn't understand how that was possible. She was sure she didn't see them before, but a part of Kira told her that she did know these people, and that they were her close friends.

"That can't be possible. I don't know who these people are..."

Yet she couldn't shake the feeling that she somehow knew them.

"Why did S give me this strange mission? Is this even a mission? I should head to the next address. This place gives me weird vibes."

Crossing her arms and looking around, Kira quietly and carefully began heading to the next address, taking swift steps to get her there faster.

Once she was there, she checked the paper she was holding to check if it was the right address. When she saw it was the right address, she once again began walking around the house like she did to Neon's house and checked the windows. Unlike the previous house, this house was a two story house, and when she began walking around the house, she looked up and saw a window on the left side of the house. Someone had just walked away from the window at that moment. She couldn't see who it was very well, but it appeared to be a white haired man wearing a white t-shirt.

She walked to the back of the house and saw a window on the right side. When she looked in, she saw a bed underneath the window, along with a little girl with white hair and wearing an oversized red t-shirt laying on top of the bed while holding onto a gray stuffed animal that looked like a wolf. Thinking it was cute, Kira couldn't help but smile a bit at this. Realizing this, she quickly stopped, trying not to get distracted. She continued walking around the house and saw another window on the right side of the house, close to the previous room she saw.

When she looked into this room, she saw two kids on two seperate beds. From what she could see, they both appeared to be male, both with short blue hair. One of them stirred in bed, but only rolled onto the right side of them. Both wore dark blue t-shirts and matching black pajama pants. Being done with her mission, Kira backed away from the window and walked away from the house.

Take a wild guess as to who this house belonged to, but I'm sure you already know.

She was done with this assignment, mission, whatever. Whatever this was, she was done with it. All she wanted to do now was head back to the lab, which was exactly the direction she was walking in. She didn't understand it. Did S need a babysitter for these people? No, that couldn't have been it.

Once she was back in the lab, she went to her room and sat down in her bed, not muttering a word as she stared down at the floor.

"I don't understand....what was the assignment for? Who were those people?" Kira's thoughts raced through her mind, but stopped when she laid her eyes on that mysterious ring on her left ring finger.

"Unless...unless maybe one of them gave me this ring?"

As Kira thought about the mission, a sudden pang of pain shot throughout her head, causing her to completely forget about what she had been previously thinking about, her mind now focused on the sudden pain she felt.


Kira squeezed her eyes shut and tried to recooperate. Once the pain subsided, she stood up from her bed. Thinking something was different about her, she caught her reflection in the mirror, but she was right. Something about Kira was different. It was her hair. Her dark teal hair had black tips on the ends of it now, including her bangs. Her hair wasn't like that before.

Walking closer to her reflection, a confused Kira stared into the window, but quickly pulled herself away from the window when her yellow eyes flashed red for a split second. Alarmed, Kira laid down on her bed as she tried to get what just happened out of her mind.

End chapter

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