Chapter 3: Decline

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The next morning, I woke up to the usual smell of breakfast in the kitchen. I changed out of my clothes from yesterday and walked into the kitchen. I had a dull feeling of dread that something was wrong with me and that something bad was going to happen, but because the feeling was dull, I tried to push it out of my mind, even though I knew why I was thinking like this.

I sat down at my seat at the table and started eating.

"Morning, Kira!" Yuki said.

"Hey." I said in a monotone voice, not looking at him.

Yuki placed a pancake on my plate. The breakfast was quiet, not even one word being spoken. When everyone finished eating after a few minutes, I walked out to the car and sat in the passenger's seat.

Yuki got into the driver's seat. The car started up and we were driven to Kori's. The kids got out of the car first. We saw the front door open and saw a smiling Kori and Neon looking at our kids.

They let them inside and Yuki let them know that we'd be inside soon. I was about to get out of the car when Yuki stopped me, closing his door with him.

"Sit back down, Kira. We need to talk." He said.

I sat back down in my seat, closed the door, and looked at Yuki. Studying his face, he wore a serious expression. Was he mad? Maybe. I couldn't tell.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked. I frowned in response to his question.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. Even I know that. Tell me what's on your mind." Yuki said, reaching over and about to place his hand over my hand, but I pulled it away before he could do it.

"Back off! I said I'm fine!" I said.

I could see a slight change in his expression. He really did look mad now. I hated how I was making him angry, especially since he's the calmer one out of the two of us, but I couldn't help it. This wasn't me.

"Kira, I'm trying to help you."

I opened the car door and shot him a cold glare.

"Help? Sure, you're helping me, all right. At being a nuisance, that is." I said, a cold tone in my voice, slamming the door behind me and then walking to Kori's door, all the while the events that happened just then playing through my head.

Yuki didn't deserve that. Out of all the people to be mean to, why him? I hated how I responded, but there was nothing I could do about it now. That wasn't me talking; it was what was in my veins.

Once inside, I saw my kids playing with Ren Kazumi, Kori and Neon's daughter. She has blue eyes and brown hair that's normally in a ponytail.

I quickly walked into Neon and Kori's master bedroom with no one inside and sat down on the bed, trying to collect myself. I should just go home. If I didn't, who knows what could happen?

But I couldn't go home right away, could I? I just got here. If I left as soon as I had come here, surely that would worry everyone. I tangled my hands in my hair and sighed.

"So.....are you mad or something?" A familiar voice asked. I looked up to see Neon Kazumi in the doorway, leaning against the door with her arms crossed.

She came in and sat down next to me. Her hair used to be in a bob cut, but it's grown longer and is now halfway down her back. She has black hair and blue eyes.

"No." I lied, feeling bad about it but not wanting to worry her with what happened to me lately.

"Uh huh. Sure. And I'm not sitting in this room with you right now." Neon responded as she shook her head, not believing me.

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