Chapter 9: Last Night

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"I'm not kidding. That's why I'm here right now. I wanted to tell you about this." S replied, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly as my entire world seemed to spin.

"B-But my friends..." I couldn't speak clearly. I tried to, but my voice would always trail off.

"Your family and friends will watch your descent into madness and watch as you become a completely different person than you once were." S said.

Normally I would've punched him, or at least I would try to, but I couldn't this time. What he said previously dazed me. Hey, I could swear to you I only heard half of what he said just now because of that.

" friends..."

Oh no.

It was getting hard to breathe.

"I-I can'" My chest getting heavy, I didn't finish my thought as my entire body grew hot, making me unable to focus on anything else other than this.

"Am I dying?"

I heard S chuckle, but I didn't care in the moment.

"You're having a panic attack now? How pointless. You'll most likely betray your friends and family someday, but of course you will if you already haven't, that is."

"Huh? Is he talking about how I've been acting towards them for the past week? I'm not trying to be mean to them, but I can't help it, unfortunately."

"Well, anyway, I'll leave you to have your panic attack." S said, patting my shoulder and beginning to walk past me.

Managing to glance at him, I saw him hold up his hand, watching the back of the hand as he waved it at me.

"Until then, I'll see you later."

With that said, he turned towards the front of the police station and disappeared after turning around the corner.

Once he disappeared, I began to calm down after what felt like a few more minutes.

Thanks a lot, S. I guess that guy taunting me for so long finally sent me into a panic attack, but then again, it was only a matter of time before the serum took control of me and he did say yesterday that he would tell me when it was time for the serum to take complete control of me. Looks like it finally would, but I don't know what time it'll happen.

I guess it can't be helped.

On the bright side, at least I'll be prepared to leave later tonight. I'll make sure to tell Yuki tonight.

As for my kids.....I don't think I should tell them because I don't want to worry them, but I'll be sure to visit them before I leave tonight.

Finally starting to calm down, I stayed standing there in the alleyway for what seemed like a few more minutes until I was sure I was ready to go home. Finally walking through the alleyway, I made my way to my car, unlocked it, and got inside.

I started the car, looked behind me to make sure no one was coming, backed up, and then drove home.
When I got home, no one else was there. I walked towards the master bedroom, opened the door, and began looking around the room.

What was I doing in there?

I was wondering if I should take anything with me. The more I looked around the bedroom Yuki and I shared, the more I thought that I shouldn't take anything with me.

S did tell me that I would forget everyone close to me-and I think myself-so what was the point, right?

I decided I didn't need to take anything. With that done, I sat down on my bed and wondered what would happen later.
Later that night, Yuki noticed something was wrong. I had been sitting on the bed in our bedroom when he opened the door and walked in. Sitting next to me on the bed, he shot me a concerned look.

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