Chapter 6: Mirror's Reflection

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It was now the next day. I had just gotten up from bed and gotten dressed.

Just like yesterday, I didn't bother talking to my family, as I didn't want to hurt them.

I got in my car without a word to them and left for work, and in case if you're wondering, yes, Shelby made her way out of the trash can.

But just in case, I walked over to the now closed trash can and lifted up its lid, only to see no one in there.

So there's that question answered.

I walked inside and past the receptionist.

"Tachibanna." She said.

I turned around to face her.

"What was that all about yesterday? That thing that happened between you and that girl."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said as I started walking away, but she called out to me once more.

"Just try me. I want to know what that was all about."

Trying not to let the serum take over, I clenched my hands, and, through gritted teeth, started walking away.

"I just haven't been myself lately." I muttered.

"Haven't we all." I heard the lady say in a sarcastic tone as I walked further away.

So I did my daily routine. I walked around the cells of the prisoners and most of them seemed scared of me.

Normally they'd be watching me, but I noticed quite a few of them were huddled in the corner of their cells when I walked by. Others were on their cots and not caring at all if I walked by.

"That's definitely not good. The prisoners that were huddled in the corners of their cells would normally be staring at me, but they weren't this time. How much time do I have left before this stupid serum takes complete control?" I thought as I turned around and started surveying the cells again.

After I finished surveying the cells again, I walked into the break room, in which someone took my place and walked out.

"We saved you a seat." Lucas said with a smile as he pointed next to Daichi.

"Thanks." I said as I sat down next to Daichi.

That was when I noticed they were all holding cards.

"What's with the cards?"

"We're playing war, Kira." Daichi said.

Daichi handed me some unused cards. Lucas placed his cards down and flipped them over. Daichi did the same and both boys scanned their cards they had laid out.

I guess I should say men, but if girl can sometimes be used for adult females, so can boys.

Daichi noticed that both him and Lucas had the same card, which was a card of three clubs.

"I DECLARE WAR!" Daich yelled, and then picked up the card and threw it right in Lucas's face. Of course, being a card, it barely hit him but managed to hit his nose before slowly falling onto the table.

Lucas blinked as he watched the card hit the table.

"Some war." He said.

And then Daichi picked up another card, walked closer, and threw it in Lucas's face again.

"And I thought you were an adult, Daichi. You're acting like a kid." Senia said as she looked at Daichi and crossed her arms.

Daichi leaned to his side as he looked over at Senia.

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