Chapter 5: It Gets Worse

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Kira's POV
As soon as I woke up the next morning, I knew something was off. Once I sat up in bed I noticed I was already angry. There's no way that's a good thing.

I immediately got dressed for work and drove the car to work. I ignored my family, but it was because I didn't want to hurt them even more than I did yesterday.

When I got into my work place, the woman at the front desk greeted me and I responded with a nod, but with a frown on my face. Usually I would wave at her, maybe smile, but that might not happen for some time now.

She didn't say anything else to me after that. I could feel her eyes following me as I walked further into the police station. Probably wondering if I was feeling well.

Once actually inside the station, I did a patrol, checking out every criminal we had locked up and checking to see if they were doing alright. Long story short, they were.

Fine. Most of them were doing alright.

While I was patrolling, one of the criminals started making a loud noise on his cell bars, like he was bouncing against them or something like that. I tried to block it out, but couldn't, and decided to make my way to him.

Once I got there, I saw him with his hands on his bars with him trying to shake them. I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"Knock it off." I said, but he didn't stop.

"Knock it off." I repeated, grabbing my baton out of its case on my side.

As soon as the criminal noticed it, he started making even MORE of a noise. He grabbed his cell bars, then jumped and put his feet on the bars like a monkey, yanking on his bars and stomping his feet against them, the rattling of my bars echoing all around me.

Quickly, I held up my baton and whacked it against the bars, slamming it hard on his fingers.

He dropped to the floor, but once he stood up, he started laughing.

"Oh, you think this is funny, huh?"

The criminal proceeded to laugh even more.

"C'mere." I said. Still laughing, the criminal made his way over to me.

That was when I grabbed his shirt collar. He stopped laughing as I pulled him up against the bars, his face hitting the bars as a clang! sound echoed around his cell.

"You are not funny. If I could, I would take you out of that cell and beat you until you were black and blue, but I can't. When I say knock it off, I mean it. Now stop acting like an idiot and stop making such loud noises!" I took my hand off his collar and pushed him backwards. He fell onto his bed, a red mark from the bars now on his face.

"Y-Your eyes..." He stammered.

The glare on my face didn't change.

"Th-They changed color. To r-red." He said in fear.

He pulled his knees up to his chin, wrapped his arms around his legs, and started rocking back and forth.

"Change color? Ha! Yeah right." I said, already starting to walk away.

"I'm serious!" I heard him say even though I had already walked further away from his cell.

Like I believed him. There's no way. That's not possible.

As I headed for the break room, I saw Daichi heading my way.

"What was that all about, Kira?" He asked, which stopped me from walking further. Might as well answer it.

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