chapter 16

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From the very next day he went to see the very girl who seems to have occupied all of his waking moments. Even if she treated him like air he continued to stalk her trying to get an answer out of her. He didn't like her like that... like she just lost her will... he knew that look... because he once had the same look as her....

"Hay, Marinette!" felix said with the friendliest smile he could possibly muster. which wasn't as friendly as he had hoped because it came out as if he was scowling at her. 

But it did make her look at him though.  Maybe his days of stalking her helped but she finally looked at him and replied... He could work with that.

"What do you want Felix?" It wasn't her usual tone either. Her voice no... She was indifferent. Her eyes was looking at him but through him at the same time.... But he could do this... Deep breath and...

Here goes nothing,"care to join me for lunch after class?"

"No thank you" the answer was one he expected and it stung. But none the less he won't be giving up. He is Felix after all. So he just just followed her. Tried to engage her in a conversation but that wasn't exactly working...

But he continued to have an one sided conversation with her until the they went to the lunch hall. He watch there is she got in line and got her lunch and sat at the very corner of the room alone. of course she wasn't all alone. he was there with her through it all but as he was watching her he felt like he was watching a robot going on autopilot. not a living, breathing human. And it hurt more than he could ever imagine. He didn't know Marinette personally. Hell he wasn't even her friend. Never spend time with her. Never got to know her other than all the pictures he had of her. And he had a lot of those not that he's ever going to tell her that. he was mainly attracted to her because of her fiery personality, when she wasn't around Adrian of course.  and her strong loyalty to her friends. But now All he sees is a shell of a person she used to be.

Maybe losing her friends was not all of it. there had to be more to it. more than what Adrian told him. more than he knew. more only she knew.

He didn't leave Marinette alone for a second after that day. spending every moment possible by her side. even if she was ignoring him again. He just choked she would look at him again and reply again. he could wait. she can take whatever much time she needs because he's going to wait right by her side. until she's ready to open up again.

Light At The End Of DarknessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz