Chapter 20

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Chloe was speechless. Gabriel was speechless. Kagami was even more speechless.

Chloe had to admit if she didn't know what kind of liar Lila was she probably would have believed her and sympathized with her. But unfortunately for her Chloe knew what kind of person she really is. Everyone knew it. So she wasn't expecting Alya of all people to Stand up for her.

" Kagami!! You can't treat Lila like that. She didn't do anything to deserve to be treated like this!!"

Alya was standing in front of Lila as if to protect her from kagami. As if kagami would hurt Lila.

" You should just shut up!"

Kagami couldn't stand to watch this anymore. She was sick and tired of their melo drama. This was one of the reasons she stayed away from them. The other more important reason was...

" I don't want to hear something like that from you of all people. Not after all you and the others put Marinette through."

" We didn't-"

" You didn't what?!"

" You didn't practically torture Marinette every single day Until she finally had enough of you and left?! I don't understand why she let you het away with all the things you did to her!"

Kagami was beyond angry. Kagami was there when Marinette was slowly being isolated by everyone. She was with her when Marinette tried to explain again and again she didn't do anything. when she tried to plead with her best friend that she would never do anything to harm her. Kagami was with Marinette when she begged her best friend, her friends ,her parents to believe in her. Kagami watched Marinette being broken bit by bit.

Kagami was with Marinette as she watched the boy she had once had a crush on looking at Marinette with disgust after finding out Marinette liked him.

Kagami was with Marinette when she broke her leg after being shoved off the stairs. She was there to take Marinette to a hospital when someone 'accidentally' poured hydrochloric acid on her hand in lab class. She still has scars from that on her arm.

Kagami wanted Marinette to fight back or even sue them for what they did to her but Marinette never did. She didn't want to harm her friends even if they are no longer treating her as one. Marinette was too kind even as she was closing off, becoming closed off, and becoming indifferent as days past on. Even as Marinette began to wear that emotionless mask to never let her emotions out she still cared about them.

Kagami was the only one knew where Marinette went. She was the only one who came to see her off as she boarded the plane to leave everything behind. To get away from all the pain... Get away from all the painful memories.

Kagami had also hoped that Marinette would leave all her pain and start a new life away from all this. But she also knew that Marinette wouldn't and couldn't forget anything so easily. How could one even begin to forget that pain they felt from there loved ones turning against them and hurting them.

" Do you want me to remind you what you did to Marinette?"


Kagami cut Lila off as she continued to speak," did you or did you not isolate Marinette and treat her like some damn criminal?"

Kagami continued to speak without giving them time to refute it. But even if they were given all the time of the world they won't be able to refute anything she was saying.

" did you not shove Marinette off the stairs?"

She looked at Alya then at the other girls in Marinette's class.

" Did you not 'accidentally' pour chemicals on Marinette so she had to go to a damn hospital?! She still has the scars from that!!"

Kagami could feel her eyes sting with unshed tears as she kept speaking. she could see Chloe of all people crying as she buried her face in Luka's chest and choked sobs coming from Emily as Gabriel tried to calm her down but he too was shocked at what she was saying.

Kagami didn't stop as she went on telling everything they did to Marinette. Even if it wasn't her place to share it, she wanted people to know what Marinette's so-called friends did to her. She didn't want them to be happy. She didn't want them to enjoy their life as if they didn't snuff out the joy from marinette's life.

Kagami too wanted to ruin their lives. She could do it. She had the power and money to do so. But the ones she couldn't.... she will make sure they didn't get away unscathed.

That was one of the reasons she had even bothered to attend this party. After all the only ones life she couldn't destroy completely were rich and powerful too. She wanted to hurt them even if it was only the reputation for now.

Kagami felt bad for sharing this about Marinette but she just couldn't let it go. Every time she saw these people's happy faces she was reminded of Mariners empty eyes as she looked like a puppet on who had their strings cut.

She will make them pay. Even if it's the last thing she would do. She won't let them go.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 11 ⏰

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