Chapter 19

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"You're joking right? Adrian, tell me this isn't true. do you really believe this nonsense?!"

Chloe was so mad that she wanted to shake Adrian until he woke up from whatever Dream he's in.

" are you insane?! Marinette would never do that!! You believed a pathological liar over one of the few friends who actually cared about you? And you're actually using marinette's feelings for you as a way to persecute her?! are you even listening to yourself?!"

" And you, Alia you have been marinette's best friend  how could you let them treat her this way?! And why did Marinette leave Paris. I don't believe that you didn't do anything to Marinette to make her go away from Paris voluntarily. what did you do to her?!"

This time Luka didn't grab on to Chloe as he himself was clearly mad on  behalf of his friend. so Chloe was really shaking the hell out of Adrian as if that would get an answer out of him that could satisfy her.

" They bullied- no it wasn't bullying. It was torture. They tortured Marinette so much she left her own home. Left the city she grew up in for a foreign country where no one knew her."

" Kagami?! What are you doing here!"

Adrian was surprised to see kagami here. Kagami has been avoiding him for the past few years now. Even if they met sometimes in the sparring match between them she would always find a way to utterly humiliate him in front of everyone in a way he didn't know she was capable of. So he has been very of her.

Adrian knew kagami had some sort of friendship with Marinette maybe that's why she changed. Even if he knew that he choose to ignore it. Because that would meant he was wrong. But he isn't. Right....

" What ? Do you think you can hide what you and your little friends did?"

"We did nothing wrong! What are you talking about?!"

" Kagami I know you don't like m-"

" Oh shut up! I don't even know your full name so stop thinking your all that. The only reason I even know of your existence is because of Marinette. And that sure doesn't give you a good look."

Lila was too embarrassed to speak for a moment. But her last line gave her a starting point.

" I know Marinette must have told you something bad about me... But I don't know why she's targeting me so much. I just wanted to be her friend. I know what I did in the past was wrong and I regret it. I tried to make it up to everyone but she... She hates me!"

After saying all that she covered her face crying. Her whole body was shaking with her sobs.

"I-it's all my f-foult."

Lila kept crying repeating that same line over and over again.

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