Chapter 17

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* Back in Paris *

" Luka darling, you have to hurry up. My dad's car is here to pick us up. It's been years since we last been in Paris!! "

A blonde girl was chatting up a tall young man wearing a mask excitedly and shaking his hand as they walked out the airport.

" I know Chloe you are excited to meet everyone again but can you stop shaking me. And stop being so loud what if they recognize me? "

Chloe had conveniently forgotten that Luka now was a famous musician. well... somewhat famous but famous nonetheless.

But chloe was right. it had been approximately 3 years since they were last in Paris. Luka had gotten into a music company abroad so he had decided to pursue his musical career out of Paris. It meant not being able to connect with his friends for a long time but being a singer was his dream and he pursued that dream. He was going to pursue that dream alone but Chloe had cannonball into his life and this dream of his.

He didn't like Chloe at the time like that. not like Marinette. but Marinette had rejected him and they agreed to stay as friends and when he was coping with rejection Chloe had been there. she was very much unlike anything he'd ever seen in a person she was brash self-centered and always spoke her mind. She had every trait imaginable that he hated in a person. But when this girl tried to cheer him up in her own way he couldn't help but fall in love with her. The girl understood what having an unrequired love felt like. So she was there for a boy who was going through the same thing she was. And she too fell in love with the said boy.

He wasn't going to pursue her even if he did start to like her, because not long after he finally realized his feelings for her he had gotten a proposal from the music company. he was going to leave without ever confessing his love. He isn't going to confess his love again and getting rejected another time. But when Chloe knew he was leaving she straight up grabbed him shoved him to the nearest empty room and kissed him. it was aggressive and by the end of it she was crying and asking to take her with him. because she doesn't want someone dear to her again leave her.

So for Luka, Chloe had dropped everything and decided she would go with him. she even got her father convinced and on board with switching to a school abroad. they have been together for 3 years now.

They did keeping contact with some of their friends mainly those who are close to them. For Luka and Chloe it wasn't many. Maybe because they were busy with their lives settling in and Luca with a hectic schedule That doesn't leave much free time.

They finally had a break and decided to come back to Paris. that and the fact that Adrian's mother had woken up. from what he heard from Chloe she was in an accident and was in a coma. Mr agrest just didn't want to give his son false hope by saying his mother was still alive until she got better. Which was suspicious in on itself but it's the family matter they can solve at themselves.

" Do you think marionette changed from being clumsy and an airhead around Adrian? " Luka was amused thinking about his friend.

" It's been 3 years and she has been crushing on him for more than that. I hope they're at least closer to something more than friends That's all I'm asking actually. considering how clueless both of them are I doubt they could actually get into a relationship without someone else intervening." Chloe said clearly amused imagining Marinette still being in love with a clueless Adrian.

" I hope she's okay though she stopped replying to my text like 2 years ago. I still can't reach her. can you?" Luka was a little worried that his friend hasn't been replying just text. He was sure Marinette wasn't mad at him for not being able to keep in touch frequently because if anything Marinette was the one who helped him get to where he is now she was the one who sent his application to the music company along with his songs.

"Now that you mention it, she really did stop replying 2 years ago but I thought it was just because I wasn't really that close to her like you were. I mean yeah we did stumble into a mutual friendly relationship kind of thing but we weren't like friends friends so I thought she was just not interested in talking to me" Chloe now sounded unsure of what you make of this revelation. She did sometimes talk to Adrian and had mentioned Marinette but he didn't really respond to it with anything in particular. he didn't really say anything at all actually now that she's thinking about it... why?

" Maybe she changed her number?" That's all Chloe could come up with because really what else could be the reason.

"Maybe" but something about it that didn't sit right with him. he did try to connect with his sister even though she was mad at him for being with Chloe. But she didn't say anything. Whenever he tried to ask anything about Marinette she would just change the subject or outright ignore anything about Marinette. he thought they got into a fight but as two years had passed he still couldn't figure out what made her react like that. The more he asked about Marinette the more she didn't reply to him at all until she also stopped replying as well. now that he's back and got much more free time to dig into whatever is going on he is going to get to the bottom of this.

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