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Xiaojun chuckled in disbelief, looking at him with an indescribable look. He knew Mark is always on guard, even if he tries to attack him, chances are Mark would probably nudge it.

But the look on his eyes told him the opposite. 

"Shut the fuck up," Xiaojun said. "We're having a fair fight, I'm not letting you give yourself up."

"But I can't kill you, Xiaojun." Mark said, rising his voice. 

He has been the team leader for his team for as long as he can remember. Killing his own teammate was an act of betrayal to him.

Xiaojun stood up, now the two of them are standing face to face. This was indeed a golden time for them if only they were brave enough to make the next move. They were close to winning, but they were wary to make the last move.

Even though they were facing a war, at this moment all they ever wanted was for this war to last forever—at least they did not have to end it with a huge vacancy inside themselves.

"Is that what Yeonjun would like to hear, Mark?" A voice suddenly asked, making the two of them avert their attention towards the source of the voice. 

Dasom stood there, sword in her right hand, gun in her left hand. 

"I don't think he would have wanted to hear his own best friend giving up, especially after promising you'd win."

"Dasom stay out of this." Mark spoke, not wanting to pull her into his shit-hole.

Dasom stepped down from the cliff, approaching the two males. "Not after you almost sacrificed yourself,"

She examined the two of them, noticing that they have been wounded severely. Especially Mark's left shoulder. 

"You," Dasom pointed at Xiaojun with her sword. "Let's have a duel, shall we?"

Xiaojun smirked. "Sorry, my only target is him."

"That's a shame. I guess I'll just have to make the first move then."

She stepped forward to attack him with her sword which he directly halted with his own. Even for her, Xiaojun was a great opponent. He was after all, the player two. The second best after Mark Lee himself.

Mark could not let her die, not here. So he decided to step in. But once again, he was still reluctant to kill him which made Dasom frustrated. 

She stepped back, watching the two have their duel. Although Mark was severely injured, he still had the energy to fight. It has been proven by the way his attacks were slowing down, partly because of his feelings, but he was growing tired. She needed to make the decision now.

"I'm sorry, Mark. I need to do this," she muttered to herself. "Mark, up!"

Mark turned his head towards her, watching her sprint towards him. He knew what she meant by this, so the moment her body was right in front of his, she lifted her up by her waist so that she could give Xiaojun a strong kick.

Mark expected her to continue launching her attacks at him, but what she did was out of his predictions. Instead of pushing Xiaojun away, she pushed Mark away. She then dropped her sword, knowing he would catch it due to his fast reflex.

She then flexibly threw herself behind Xiaojun, pushing him towards Mark. He knew Xiaojun would try and attack Mark with his sword so in return, Mark used Dasom's sword to dodge his attacks.

But instead of dodging his attack, Mark ended up stabbing him right on his stomach as the sword went through his body. Mark's eyes widened, wondering how he missed. He was sure he just wanted to dodge his move, not stab him. Then he realised something, Dasom was behind him. She had shifted his body so that the angle changed, leading it to him stabbing Xiaojun.

Xiaojun stopped his attacks, body growing weak he looked at Mark straight in the eye. He was definitely shaken up by the entire situation. He was after all facing death.

Mark stared at him with wide eyes, failed to comprehend what just happened. Xiaojun still stood in front of him, hands too weak to hold his own sword which he eventually let go of. 

"You did it, Mark. You won." Xiaojun muttered weakly, blood starting to come out from his mouth.

Mark pulled out the sword from his body, leaving Xiaojun's body to fall helplessly. He could hear his audible groan as he struggled to keep himself alive, eyes still wide as he did not believe what he just did.

After a while he finally stopped, he finally let out his last breath. What he failed to believe was that he was the one who took his life, the life of his own friend and teammate.

But there was one thing he failed to realise the most—Dasom was still behind Xiaojun the moment his sword pierced his heart.

But there was one thing he failed to realise the most—Dasom was still behind Xiaojun the moment his sword pierced his heart

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omg dasom...

𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 ♛ 𝐥𝐦𝐤Where stories live. Discover now