Eating Spice's Chicken On Purpose

29 13 24

Ridge Rd

Middletown, Connecticut

PinkReaperr: Ooh, a bucket of chicken from KFC! Oh wait! This is Spice's chicken! Oh well. *eats some of his chicken*

Spiceseeker: Are you serious right now?!!!! You're eating my chicken!!!!

PinkReaperr: *not caring* Indeed I am. *still eating more of his chicken*

Spiceseeker: You better stop right now!!!! You hear me?!

PinkReaperr: Nah! *eats the last chicken* That filled the spot!

Spiceseeker: *stares at the now empty bucket* This is bullspit!!! *in Will Smith's voice* KEEP YOUR DIRTY HANDS OFF OF MY CHICKEN!!!

Me: Spice, relax!! I'll handle this! Get in the closet!

PinkReaperr: Do I have to?

Me: Yes!!

PinkReaperr: As you wish. *walks into the closet*

Me: *closes the closet and locks it*

Spiceseeker: Payback time! *fiddles with the doorknob*

PinkReaperr: *from inside the closet* Hey, stop that! Knock it off!!!

Spiceseeker: *still fiddling with the doorknob* Teach you to eat my chicken!!

This story was written on Monday, May 2nd, 2022.

A/N Poor Spice!! He really loves his chicken! 😞😅 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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