Austin Covers His Ears

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Cromwell, Connecticut

Woman: *coughing*

Austin: *covers his ears* I hate that!!!!

Woman: *still coughing*

Austin: *whines like Joe Besser* Make her stop!!!!!! *still covering his ears*

Alvin: You okay, Austin?

Austin: I think so. About to have an autistic meltdown!

Woman: Stop covering your ears!

Austin: Don't tell me what to do!!! *balls his fist*

Alvin: Leave him alone! He has autism! He doesn't like to hear people cough!

Woman: Its part of life!

Alvin: Just mind your own business! 

Woman: Whatever. *walks away with her carriage*

Alvin: Jerk.

This story was written on Thursday, May 12th, 2022.

A/N Austin covers his ears, due to certain noises he dislikes! And I don't blame him! Autistic individuals always get judged! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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