Austin Chill Dude

20 8 10

Burger King

Cromwell, Connecticut

Austin: *looks in his bag* Where is my BBQ sauce? I asked for BBQ sauce for my nuggets! Where is it? Where is it?! *whines like Joe Besser*

BK Employee: Sir, calm down! I just forgot! *puts some BBQ sauce into the bag* Happy?

Austin: Thanks.

Alvin: You gotta relax, man!

Austin: *in Joe Besser's voice* Don't you tell me to relax, you bossy man!!

Alvin: *leaves BK with his food*

Austin: *leaves BK with his food*

BK Employee: Dude needs to chill.

This story was written on Saturday, May 7th, 2022.

A/N Austin, take a step back! You got your BBQ sauce! Chill! My gosh! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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