Very Funny Iris!

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Iris: I have bad news, Spice!

Spiceseeker: What?

Iris: KFC is going out of business!

Spiceseeker: What?!!!! How can that be?!!!

Iris: No idea!!! *trying not to laugh*

Spiceseeker: Hmm.....

Iris: *bursting out laughing* Joke!!!! Your reaction was priceless!!!

Spiceseeker: Ha!!! So funny I forgot to laugh!

WorkofGod-: Iris, you really fooled him good!

Spiceseeker: Guess what, Iris? I ate your pizza!

Iris: Oh my gosh! Excuse me. *walks outside towards the pond*

WorkofGod-: Where does Ken keep his fishing pole?

Spiceseeker: No idea.

Iris: *underneath the pond, gargling*

This story was written on Saturday, May 14th, 2022.

A/N Spice got fooled really good! Iris was pretty slick! But her joke backfired! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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