The Figures

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After they got back to the surface, the light blinded them, for they had not seen it for so long. Dess and the others began looking for inhabitants close to the castle, but none were found. Eventually, Charlotte noticed a village and told the others about it. But as they went inside the village, there were just ordinary people. They realized that the caves must have transferred them back to the ordinary plane.

"Hey! Yeah you, um, where are we?" Dess asked a random villager.

"Up in the mountains," the villager answered honestly.

"Thank you," Dess said as the villager walked away.

They knew their target was southwest, so after a rest and buying some goods, they went back to their target. They set off by walking between the two twin mountains named Mount Minor and Mount Major. After hiking for a while with uneventfulness, they saw a cloaked black figure running toward them on the mountain side. They noted this in their minds but didn't think too much of it. Gerald forgot about it after a few hours and so did Anthony.

They kept hiking through the mountains of Kaysalia. They could eventually see the tips of a valley fortress to their right. As they kept hiking, they kept seeing a bit more of the fortress. But they finally had to settle down and put up camp for the night. That night, everyone was used to Felix being on watch. But, tonight, Anthony was.

At midnight, he woke up Cade and said, "Hey. You have the morning watch. Sorry, man."

"Alright,"Cade sighed. "Sleep well."

Cade got up and went on watch but he kept seeing a glinting thing in the distance, almost like steel, or metal. He couldn't see what it was exactly, but he knew he had never seen something like that before in his life.

The next following days were the same, but at this point, everyone knew about the glinting figure.They all wondered what it was--or is.

On the tenth day since leaving the town, they had forgotten all about the mysterious dark figure. When Charlotte was on watch, she saw ten of the dark mysterious figures. She swiftly woke everyone up, and ten minutes later, the figures attacked. All they knew was that each figure had a sort of mask.

The Devil's Bane: (slightly more than) a short storyWhere stories live. Discover now