Chapter XVIII: The Floating Ship

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When they got back, no one seemed to notice Gerald but Cade.

Not realizing this, Cade kept walking, unaware of something different....unaware of something relevant to their survival.

As they met up with their friends around a little campfire, Anthony stirred. He apologized for being asleep the whole day. They all forgave him. He had heard something just before Cade sat down. "Hey, why isn't Gerald here?" Anthony asked. "He's coming soon. Gathering berries or something." Cade replied.

Anthony saw Cade's hand twitch, but told no one else. He had a feeling. Something, or someone, was about to attack. Before anyone could react, a beast fell upon them, with nine inch razor-sharp teeth, and a huge, seven foot long body.

"Hooo boy, this guy needs a dentist!" Anthony joked right before getting crushed by the massive form that had jumped on top of him.

Charlotte and Dess screamed and took a double take. Was Anthony dead?

Then they heard Anthony's voice say, "Ah-ah-ah." Then the monster flew up into the clouds.

Everyone stared at Anthony.

"I really just felt a pull in my chest and my head, and like instinct, I used a bunch of water to push that... thing backwards," Anthony explained. "But, jeez, do all monsters' undersides smell that horrible?"

"Pffft- I think so," Dess joked.

After traveling and joking around and arguing for about twenty-nine and three-fourths minutes, they saw a giant, floating ship. The ship was the size of a dragon, maybe even bigger.

"Everyone it's a ghost ship!!" Anthony decided. "Wait no that's stupid."

"Wait...where's Gerald?" Charlotte asked. He never came back.

"Maybe it is a ghost ship because Gerald's a ghost." Cade suggested.

"CONFUSION?!" Dess said loudly, obviously confused. "I don't see him anywhere."

"WELL DUH, YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO SEE GHOSTS--wait, you can't see his cloak floating over there?" Cade pointed to what he saw as Gerald and what everyone else saw as air particles.

"Hmm, very suspicious," Anthony noted.

They ignored that suspicious comment from Anthony and decided to get up to the ship. As they walked under it, Charlotte yelled, "HEY!! ANYONE UP THERE ON THAT GHOST SHIP?!"

"Nothing happened," Dess said obviously.

Just then, a note dropped down from the top of the ship. It read:


"Ghost ship?" Cade guessed.

A rope ladder dropped down.

"Oh!" Cade exclaimed. "Cool! First try!" "Good job." Charlotte said. "Thanks." Cade said.

The friends started climbing up the ladder 500 feet in the air. When they got up to the top, they saw a humanoid figure with its back to them.

"Hello?" Dess asked the person.

The hooded figure turned around. It was a familiar face with red slitted eyes and horns--the horns of the Devil once again.

"Hello there, kids," Joe-Bottoms-as-the-Devil said. "I told you we would meet again!" 

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