Cade's Journal Entry #1

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I really don't know what happened earlier today. Dess just started bragging about having that ring, so, when I get mad, anger just clouds over all my other emotions.

I'm with Anthony and Gerald now, in a forest. We're by a small fire that we made. They're both asleep, so I can write in this. I'll call it my journal for now.

Anyway, I just remembered something from the ancient text that I read. It said:

"The Devil's Bane shall reach fourteen

And fight a spirit with a crimson sheen.

Both groups must stand united

Or all of Kaysalia shall be ignited."

Yeah...that does NOT sound good.

Who's the "Devil's Bane"? What's the beast with a crimson sheen? What's the blue glow? I might have an idea of what the two groups are, though...

I think those six lines are a prophecy. And I only know one person who's going to turn fourteen in the next couple of months.


Oh, shoot.

He's the Devil's Bane.

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