Jack Treacher x reader

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Author's Note: This was inspired by a weird dream I had and I just had to write it into something LOL I hope you enjoy it!

I shot my brother Oscar a murderous look in the reflection of my mirror as I sat down to powder my nose, determined to refute every claim he threw my way. After all, what business was it of his where I went or who I went out with? He only wanted dirt on me to use as leverage in case I had dirt on him. Which, of course, didn't I always? It was one of the many wonderful things I loved about being a younger sibling.

"You do know I'm of age, don't you? I'm already out in society, why do I need a chaperone?" I growled, slapping the puff down onto the table so hard it let out a cloud of white powder.

"Mother wouldn't like it - we both know that. Not that either of us care what Mother thinks particularly but believe me, it's better for our pocketbooks when we care," he shrugged, arching perfectly sculpted eyebrows in an unconscious imitation of our mother.

"Look, I've already told you: I appreciate you looking out for me - if you can call it that," I told him, this last part muttered under my breath before continuing, "But I don't need it. It's a ball being held by the school - an end of term last hurrah before we're all thrown out into the world unceremoniously. However, brother, if you are insistent, then I shall oblige you and bring a companion. Cousin Marian would love to come, I'm sure,"

Oscar looked doubtful at this but rolled his eyes in defeat. Fight as we do, he was still my big brother through-and-through and could deny me nothing. This countenance came entirely from his father - or so I believed, seeing as he had died long before I was brought into this world. In all honesty, I often wondered if my mother had truly loved my father. Or if he had only been a means to an end, a way of covering up publicly scrutiny that surely must come with the sudden death of one's husband. In this society? Well, marrying again as fast as humanly possible was the wisest choice by far.

However, not long after my own birth - a little over a year into their marriage - my father died suddenly from fungiform and encephaloid tumors. Mother was devastated (Oscar's words so how true were they exactly?) and surprising enough, she chose to continue on in raising me even though Oscar was well into his teens at the time and I could just as well have been whisked away to a family relative. She took back her first husband's surname (and gave it to myself as well despite Aunt Ada's misgivings) so as to stay in her society circles she'd become so accustomed and I was raised in a lavish upbringing with all the best things New York could offer a girl of my standing.

And here I was today, living proof of Agnes van Rhijn's outstanding generosity and unbeknownst to most, her unfailing love for her children. Making my way downstairs to the servant's area of the house, Mrs. Bauer let out a squeal of delight as soon as her eyes landed on my dress.

"Oh, Miss van Rhijn, you look lovely! You'll be the Belle of the ball, I just know it! Oh, I remember when you were just a wee thing in your cradle. You're growing up on me, you are," she cooed, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes with the edge of her apron as Bridget came up behind her.

"You do look mighty fine, Miss van Rhijn. One in a million," she smiled over at me happily.

"Thank you both, you're far too kind!" I returned with a bright smile of my own as I stopped on the bottom step, "I came to ask you if Miss Marian had already left? I know sometimes she prefers to use the back door here instead and noticed she was not upstairs so..."

Both Mrs. Bauers and Bridget exchanged knowing glances just as Armstrong strode forward from out of the kitchen, eyeing my dress with contempt but a mock smile plastered to her face, "I'm sorry, Miss van Rhijn, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation and wonder why you would be looking for Miss Marian down here in the servants quarters? As you know, she very rarely uses the back entrance since she has no need to,"

I felt like I'd just been caught in the act, not knowing what to say or do next. Thankfully, I didn't have to as Marian swept into the room, dressed to the nine's and seeming to appear out of nowhere.

"I'm sorry I'm making us so late, Cousin. I got caught up talking to Peggy and lost track of time," she smiled over at me before holding out an arm, "Shall we?"

I sent my cousin a smile back, grateful for her sudden appearance. Stepping off the last step, I strode over to Marian before wrapping my own gloved arm around hers, "We shall!"

Walking out the back door like it was an everyday occurrence, we had made it down the street just a few paces before a dark silhouette rounded the corner. A grin split my face despite myself as the stranger's face began to materialize from the darkness.

"Alright then, since you're safe now from prying eyes, I'll bid you adieu." Marian laughed, letting of my arm and turning to leave.

"Thank you so much, Cousin." I smiled over at her, eternally grateful all over again.

She smiled before squeezing my arm once and drifting into the darkness herself, back the way we'd come. In mere seconds, I was wrapped in a tight embrace, breathing in the scent of chocolates and smoke. Nimble fingers grasped my waist and I leaned into Jack lovingly, feeling happy for the very first time today.

"I thought you weren't going to be able to get away for a second there," I admitted in the darkness, the only light coming from overhead streetlights far off from us.

Jack half-laughed, the sound sending delicious shivers racing up my spine, "Believe me, I thought I wouldn't either at first, "Bannister wanted me to serve tonight but I convinced him I had really bad headache so he let me off for the night,"

His Brooklyn accent clung to his words like honey, thick and sweet in my ear as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and began to lead me across the street to the club. It was conspicuous, run-down and definitely not used by anyone of high-society like myself. Here, I could be totally unrecognized - which, of course, I used fully to my advantage. In no time, we were being ushered inside and Jack took my hand, guiding me to the dance floor. With one hand on my waist and the other holding my hand gently, I lost myself to the music and his mesmerizing hazel-brown gaze.

I, of course, was well aware what a stir this love affair would cause if it ever were to come out - not only in New York society but with my mother and brother as well. Loved me, they did but there were certain lines, even in this family, you weren't allowed to cross. Not even for the purest of love. But as I gazed up at Jack, I couldn't seem to make myself care about any of that. Just as the song hit a crescendo, his soft mouth connected to mine and I melted into this passionate kiss.

Jack was the only love that mattered, our own precious secret.

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