IV - Just Distractions

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Narrator POV

Steven's return to health was a quick process, with him forcing himself to push the bounds of his abilities to bring himself back in a relatively short period of time.

His hand however that was a different story. It took him quite a while to adjust to not only having a missing hand, but also to adjust to the mechanical one he got shortly thereafter. The mechanical hand was an almost one to one replica of his actual left hand, with the only difference being built in gravity repulsion tech. Even then it didn't feel right to Steven.

Nothing felt right since that thing carved its wormy little tendrils into his mind. Regardless he had a job to do, he had more missions to complete and more gems to train in the fine art of proving themselves.

Steven, who was currently meditating, was shaken from his state of absolute focus by Blue and Yellow Pearl.

"Quartz, our Diamonds request your presence. I would also add that, should they truly be like us and not the perfect being they are, appear to show signs of being anxious and worried. Be careful Quartz" Yellow Pearl speaks.

Steven nods and heads for the door to the meditation chamber, before he can exit though Blue Pearl grabs his arm.

"They're worried about sending you on whatever mission they have to send you on. Be careful Steven, we don't know what we'd do without you" Blue Pearl speaks.

Steven nods before Blue Pearl lets go of his arm and he walks to the throne room.

"Quartz, oh dear dear Quartz. We really do not want to to do this for your sake, but we need you to go to investigate a rebel presence and check on some particular things. We will....forward you the list via holopad once you have left orbit.

Just be careful Quartz, we don't know what'd we'd do if we heard a mission we sent you on got you.....well I'd rather not speak the words lest they happen. Be careful and remember, we love you" Yellow speaks before making a heart sign with her massive hands. Steven returns the heart as the other diamonds do the same.

Steven feels a slight pulse in his communicator, which was standard in his prosthetic hand. It was an odd, almost ominous feeling. However he couldn't deny the utility it provided.

Steven opened his palm as a holographic screen appeared. A crew list and cargo manifesto appeared before him.

He was going it alone, with a few months worth of supplies (granted the diamonds always made sure he packed plenty of supplies).

Steven embarked his large, modified frigate class diamond vessel and blasted through the atmosphere.

He was heading to a small, relatively secluded planet to investigate a small band of rebels known as the "Shattered Glass Contingency". A group consisting of several Quartzes, a few Jaspers, and the strangest gem of all, their leader. An unusually small Peridot in a large exo-skeletal suit. This suit put the Peridot's height inline with his.

Steven sighed, this Peridot also used to be the commanding officer of Dot, the Peridot he frequently worked with and had grown to be close friends with.

Steven thought deeply about this mission as his faster-than-light skip drive activated and he was sent flying towards his objective.

His ship exited FTL in a precarious situation, that being in the pathway of a massive asteroid that was heading towards the planet.

Steven attempts an evasive maneuver, only for the rear of his ship to be knicked by the asteroid, sending him careening towards the planet.

Steven, keeping his cool for now, quickly gathered his senses and brought the ship round. He still broke orbit however, and had no choice but to land as he saw small energy blasts tear at his wings.

Steven crashes near what appears to be a small, silvery structure. He kicks open his escape hatch and exits the craft. As soon as he steps foot on the solid, earthen ground his world goes black.

Narrator POV - Some Time Later

Steven awoke to find himself bound by powerful metal and destabilization tech cuffs.

He was bound to a circular disk at a slight angle, he noted several instruments of torture nearby.

He also noticed he had been stripped of everything above the waist, except for his mechanical hand.

Steven caught a figure moving in the shadows and stared directly at them.

Out of the shadows emerged an Amethyst, Jasper, and Agate fusion. It was tall, a mere foot shorter than him.

"We knew they'd send you. We've been looking forward to seeing what makes you tick, what makes you break hybrid. We anticipate it will take a day at most, though perhaps we overestimate your fragile human body hmmmm" the fusion speaks.

Steven doesn't respond, instead spitting directly at the fusion. The wad of healing spit hits the fusion directly in the face, and heals a small scar on her nose.

"Hahaha, how cute. Your body won't even let you hurt me, in fact that was almost pleasant. Perhaps I'll keep you as my pet after you break" the fusion sneered.

Steven struggled against his restraints as he tried to use anything he could to get out of his predicament.

"I'm afraid there's no escape dear, you're stuck here with me" the fusion spoke.

"Where's your leader" Steven demands.

"Oh?, that's an awfully demanding tone for a prisoner. Not to worry though, she is here. Why don't you prove it, Commander" the fusion spoke.

A singular button press is heard as a crackling emits from the entirety of the device Steven was laid upon. A powerful voltage was sent through him as he gritted his teeth, the pain very much an unwelcome surprise. However he didn't give in to it.

"That all you got?, I've fought Rubies that inflict more pain. S'gonna take more than some electricity to break me" Steven spits.

The fusion merely smiles as she summons a barbed, electricity crackling whip. Steven eyes her up before his concentration was broken by another wave of electric shocks. This time the electrify was amped up to easily ten times it's previous power. His gem glowed as it kept him alive.

Steven's hair was slick with sweat by this point, strands falling in front of his face.

This was soon remedied by the fusion moving the hair out of his face and forcing a kiss upon his lips.

"Such a delightful taste, yes I do believe I'll keep you" the fusion smiles, though some slight conflict appears in her eyes. This seems to suggest one of the fusion's components is a not so willing participant.

Steven doesn't expect the next wave of sparks, neither does he expect the sudden lashing across the chest. Large lacerations form across his powerful chest as the fusion assists in the torture. The barbs of the whip draw blood and scatter it across the room with each crack.

Steven, now slick with sweat, blood, and a bit of spit, remains firm as he stares the fusion in it's eyes.

The fusion responds by punching him hard in the side of his head, followed up by several more punches to the jaw and face.

Steven's nose leaks blood as he spits at the fusion through a busted lip.

"This will be entertaining" the fusion speaks.

She rears back her fist and Steven's world goes black.


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