Chapter Seventy Six 💥

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Rosie's pov

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Rosie's pov

"It's not what you think"

Lisa says as she looks at me. Her eyes bore into mine and I feel like I want to trust her but there's something in me that says I shouldn't. "If you like her that much," I cross my arms as I speak. "Maybe you both can just get back together, I don't know"

"I'm not getting back together with her"

Lisa raises her eyebrows in confusion. "I love you, I think I told you that"

"Yeah. Whatever" I puff my cheeks. "Like I care, Lisa. I just want you to know that last night was nothing. We were just trying to find a way to release all the stress and ..."

"Sure, sure" Lisa says softly as she holds my hand and smiles a little. "Tell yourself whatever you want to believe. But I do believe that last night, you were an inch away from saying you love me too"

"You're so full of yourself" I roll my eyes as I swat her hand away from mine but she just laughs and scoops me off the floor. My hands immediately finds her lanky neck and for a moment, we just freeze like that.

"I love you, you know that don't you?"

She asks huskily as she leans in to kiss again and I'm more than ready to capture her lips but then when her lips don't meet mine, I open my eyes to see her smirking at me. "I'm going for a kiss" she says, that dorky smirk never leaves her face. "But it's nothing sensual about it" she presses her lips finely against my temple and sighs.

"I'm not sure why you're still denying your feeling for me"

She speaks, eyes never leaving mine. "But I know you love me too, regardless of what you might want to say to deny that fact and I'm here to say, that I love you too. So so much"

She nuzzles her nose against my cheek and boops our noses together before grinning widely. "Although I'd like a repeat of what we did yesterday, I do understand where we stand and we are under no circumstances to force one another to do things we can't commit"

She walks out of the bathroom with me still in her arms. "I'll wait for you, you know. I'll wait no matter what"

"But what if I never ready?"

I look at her. "What if I never ready to fall"

"Then it's alright" Lisa assures me. "I don't fall in love with you with a hope you'll fall back for me. I just love you and that's the only thing that matters. Everything else is just bonus"

"You're a sweet talker" I caress her jaw when we are in bed again. Lisa only smiles as she pulls me closer against her side. Until her arms are wrapped securely around my small figure. "And you're lucky I love you" she reminds me. "Because I'd do anything for you"


I ask. She nods. "Anything" she affirms.


don't forget to voooteeee

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