Chapter 2

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I never thought much of it, until today...

I work at a small cafe down the road from my house. I got called in early to open up at 8 in the morning. I got up, dressed, brushed my teeth, threw my wavy, auburn hair into a messy bun, and was on my way.

I grabbed my keys off the counter and pulled my sweatshirt off the hanger. I half-heartedly walked out the door and down the stairs. I wouldn't expect to see anyone out this early. That's why it came as a surprise as I bumped into a guy on the sidewalk. I got up without giving him a glance before offering my hand. Only after he accepted and pulled up did I realize it was the guy from next door. "Sorry" I mumbled under my breath. I looked up as I heard him laugh. I couldn't help but notice how adorable his laugh was. "No worries babe. I'm Niall. You are?" He questioned in a thick Irish accent. "Riley." I said- I usually kept to myself, so you could say my social skills weren't the greatest. He smiled and I almost felt butterflies. No Riley. No. You can't even consider guys again. They always lead to pain. But, despite myself, I smiled back. "Nice to meet you. Ill hopefully be seeing you again soon." He smiled again before continuing his walk down the street, hood up with his sunglasses. I swear I had heard that name before.

It was in the back of my mind all day- Niall. He always acted strange, almost like he had something to keep secret. I turned up the radio in my car and the song 'Little Things' was playing. I had heard it a few times before, but never really listened to it.

"You'll never treat yourself right, darling but I want you too"

I recognized that voice. Not like I had heard the song before, but like I had heard it in person. The song ended and the announcer on the radio said..

"That was 'Little Things' by One Direction! Make sure you check out Harry, louis, zayn, liam, and Niall on twitter for more info on their upcoming tour, Take Me Home! Coming up next, 'Diamonds' by Rhianna!"

I slammed on the brakes. One Direction. Niall Horan. That's how I knew him. I had just met Niall. I just nocked over Niall Horan. Fuck.

This explains so much. The four guys he sometimes brought with him. The hat and sunglasses. How he never tried to communicate with me. How he never even introduced himself until today. Now I get it. Now I feel so stupid.

***Niall POV***

"So guys I met this girl today.." I said looking at each of their faces to see their reaction.

"You met a girl..and.." Harry said giving me a weird look.

"Yeah I uhmm.. Erm well.. Walked into her. Me neighbor- who is apparently named Riley - and she seems pretty amazing. I know I have only met her once, don't even know her to be honest, but when I looked into her bright blue eyes.. I couldn't help but smile and.." I trailed off, looking at the ground.

"Aww! Our wittle Niallers in wooveee!" Louis mocked in a child's voice. I shot him a glare.

"Am not!" I spat back at him. "I hardly know the girl. I just said she makes me feel different.. Who knows where it will lead. But it's not love.. Not yet at least."

"That's so sweet Niall." Liam said, giving me a friendly pat on the back.

I smiled at him.

"So when do we get to meet her?" Harry said suddenly.

"Yeah, I mean you like this girl, why not?" Zayn said.

I shook my head before saying, "soon I hope." I Lied back on the couch before slowly drifting to sleep, my thoughts on Riley.

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