Chapter 10

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I couldn't be happier, yet at the same time I was hoping I'd made the right choice..

I woke up feeling really happy and warm, but I couldn't remember why. I was confused and exausted, I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I was in Nialls flat. I smiled as I remembered the events of last night. It had been so long since I had kissed anyone, loved anyone this much, or even enjoyed being in the company of a man that was even more than a friend. Wait.. Love? Do I love Nialler? I think I do. I realized I was in his bed, him pressed up against my backside. I turned a little to see him staring down at me. I smiled as he kissed my head.

"Good morning beautiful." he smiled. I smiled. "Mmm.. Good morning." I stretched and felt him move a little under me. I got out of his arms and walked across the room to find my clothes on the dresser, and slipped into the bathroom. I had decided to take a shower, because I noticed I smelled like lake water, and my face and hair were still covered in makeup and hair spray.

I walked back into the room to see him sitting and the bed dressed, and on his phone. I ran over to him, planting a kiss of cheek. I looked down and saw him on twitter so I took his phone. I clicked on the new tweet button and he watched as I tweeted, 'Riley is the best girlfriend ever! Love you @rileylove_17'

I hit send and he laughed a little, telling me I didn't know what I had gotten myself into. I felt my phone going off in my boot and pulled it out. My phone was blowing up with new followers, mentions, comments, and retweets. I looked at Niall with wide eyes and he laughed. "Might want to turn you notifications off babe, you aren't going to be left alone." I laughed and changed my settings.

"So Niall.. Are the boys and girls still here?" I winked and his mouth formed an 'O' shape then he said, "Yeah, El and Dani went back home, but the boys stayed the night. Why?" I laughed then reached over and kissed his cheek, then moved to his lips.

After about 15 minutes I heard a framiliar voice shout, "Ew get a room peasants!" I laughed before yelling, "We are in a room Tomlinson!" He pouted, knowing he had failed, before walking out. "

Lets get some breakfast?" He suggested. That was Niall, always hungry. I nodded and got up and ran downstairs.

"Mmm I smell bacon!" I yelled skipping into the kitchen. I stopped to ruffle Harrys curls before grabbing some bacon. "Hey! That took me forever!" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him and then sat down. Niall came over to me and played with my hair. "Ooooooh someones gettin' physical!" Louis said, trying once again. "Shut up Lou!" Niall said gently shoving his shoulder.

Liam walked down stairs, seeming very happy. "Hello everybody! Sleep well?" He smiled brightly, grabbing a blueberry muffin off of the counter. "Hey Liam, you seem extra happy this morning?" I stated but it came out more like a question. "Oh goodness why can't a man just be happy around here?" he said jokingly. "Come on Leeyummmm what's going on?" Louis said.

"Okay fine! Paul called me last night to tell me something and said I wasn't supposed to tell you guys, but I can't resist! The record label called last night. Live While Were Young broke the record for most views in 24 hours!" We all cheered and everyone hugged each other. I wonder what would happen next? What did this mean? I hoped whatever it was would make Niall happy. He grabbed my waist and whispered in my ear, "Want go out and celebrate?" I nodded and kissed his cheek, then we slipped out of the room unnoticed by the happy people.

"Where are we going Nialler?" I shrieked as he picked me up and spun me around. "You'll see baby." He kissed my neck and opened the passenger door for me to get in. He got in the driver side and took off to where ever he was taking me..

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