Chapter 3

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I lied back on the couch before drifting off to sleep, my thoughts on riley.

***Riley POV***

I woke up on my couch with a bowl of ice cream by my feet, remote control in my hands. I grabbed my phone and checked my texts, nothing. As usual. Like I said- no friends.

I got up and got some juice and a granola bar, before checking the time. 10:06. I have to be at work in around 55 minutes.

I ran upstairs and brushed out my hair, revealing my beachy waves, applied some eye shadow to make my blue eyes pop. I smiled into the mirror and grabbed my converse and my jacket, throwing them onto my bed. I went to my closet and picked out my favorite top- a pink and tab shirt from American Eagle, then grabbed me short shorts with the hole above the knee and the white dots around them - what was that called again? Acid washed? I don't know. Anyways, I pulled on my converse and my jacket then ran out the door at 10:45. Just as I got to my car, I heard my name.

"Riley!" A familiar Irish voice said.


I turned around quickly to see Niall running across the street, in front of a car. They honked and he kind of half jumped before waving and saying sorry to the angry driver.

When he reached me, he smiled.

"Hey Ri. Whatcha up to?" He asked with a grin playing on his lips.

I gave him a look, kind of like a what the fuck do you think look, before responding.

"Uhh , going to work?" I stated, but it came out as more of a question. His smile faded before he said,

"Oh, we'll what time do you get off? Want to hang out afterwards.?" He was shifting nervously and I couldn't help but smile. There go those butterflies again. Damn it Riley no. No guys. No one.

I tilted my head with a thinking look.

"Err, uhmm... Sure why not?" I managed to get out, giving him a half smile look. "I get off at 5, your place?" I said with a small giggle.

His face lot up at my answer before saying, "great! See you there! He ran back across the street and i watched as he got into a small black van, filled with a bunch of boys. The rest of the band.

I got into my car and drove to work.

Today could not have gone any slower. Why did I want to see him so much? I didn't even know if he liked me back. Wait. Scratch that. I don't like him. Do i? What if he does like me? Part of me wants to learn to trust a guy again and let him into my life. But another part of me is saying don't. You'll only get hurt again.

Why am I obsessing over all this now? I don't even know if he likes me. I mean why would he. He's Niall Horan from One Direction. He could have anyone he wanted. There is no way he would pick me. He shouldn't. I am a mess.

Oh my god Riley stop. No. No, no, no. It doesn't matter if he picks me. I'm not letting another guy into my life.

Work is over. Thank god. Time to go to Nialls flat. I wonder what well do? I've never had friends or a friend at that. I don't know what it's like, or what you do together. Maybe I could finally have some.

I pulled up to my place and went across to Nialls place. I knocked on the door and heard a bunch of moving and yelling. Finally someone answered the door.

"Hi! I'm louis!" He happily said.

I've never been a fan of One Direction, so honestly I didn't know anything about any of them.

"Hey I'm Riley.." I said shyly.

He smile before skipping off inside. I noted that he seemed very immature and childish. Very fun.

I slowly walked in shutting the door behind me. I saw the guy who opened the door - Louis I think he said - sitting on a couch next to a gorgeous girl who I assumed was his girlfriend.

All of them stood up and walked over to me smiling. All of them except Niall and Louis. I watched Louis sneak out into what I could only assume was the kitchen.

"Hi I'm Harry." A tall, curly haired boy said. He had a deep, husky voice.

"I'm Liam." Said a guy with a buzz cut, adorable puppy eyes, and a welcoming smile.

"I'm zayn!" A very handsome boy said. He smiled at me and I couldn't help but notice how perfectly built he seemed.

"I'm Eleanor! It's so great to meet you!" Said the gorgeous girl, embracing me in a big hug.

"I'm Danielle. Nice to meet you!" She smiled and I noticed how pretty she was too.

It was so many names and new faces to take in. I just stood there for a second as they stared at me. I opened my mouth to speak, but then closed it again. I wasn't used to people anymore. I had been alone most of my life. Louis and Niall had come back in and were standing at the back of the room. I glanced at Niall and he gave me a reassuring look.

"I'm Riley.." I said looking at the floor before smiling at them. They all smiled back before going back to their previous seats. I noticed Liam sit down with the girl who I think was named Danielle.

I sighed and then took a deep breath before looking at Niall who was now standing alone. He motioned for me to come with him. We sat down on the floor in front of the couch. He put his arm around me and I tensed. He noticed and removed it. I let out a big breath before saying,

"Im sorry, its just.. it has nothing to do with you. I have a thing.." i trailed off, giving him a weary smile, begore turning my attention to the TV. I felt him staring at me and I turned. He looked me in the eyes and then said,

"Riley, what happened?" He had concern in his eyes. My heart melted. Why can't I just trust people? I sighed before pulling him up and saying

"Come with me Niall.. I led him into the kitchen.

"Riley?" He question before I shook my head, staring at the floor.

"Okay I had a tough childhood.. I've only ever told one person about this but.."

Changes... (A Niall Horan Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant