Chapter 18

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I looked in the mirror once more and put the front parts of my hair back with a little bow and sprayed myself with perfume. I fixed the makeup I had messed up crying and turned to Niall. "You ready?" He asked. I nodded. "Yep.. Let's go." I said. We walked down the the taxi waiting outside and rushed past the fans, hoping none of them would follow us to my parents house. We pulled up outside Niall gave me one last reassuring look before we stepped out of the car onto the curb..

I drew in a shaky breath and grabbed Nialls hand. We walked up the the steps leading to their porch and before we could reach the door they came running out. I gasped, suprised as my mum threw her arms around my neck, crying. "Oh my god Riley you have grown up oh my goodness! I have missed you so much I didn't know what happened to you and just.. Oh!" She broke down into tears, crying on my shoulder. I smiled and hugged her tighter and said, "Mum relax it's okay. I'm okay. I never called because I was ashamed of what had happened.. You know I have never liked looking like I needed saving.." I trailed off and patted my mums back. "Oh Riley you and your damn stubborness. We wouldn't have thought any less of you." I sighed knowing she was right. But if I hadn't done that, I never would have met the people I now call my best friends and my boyfriend. My father walked down the steps and hugged me, yet stayed silent. He had a small crooked smile on his lips.

"Oh mum, dad, this is Niall. He's my boyfriend. You probably have seen pictures of us together on magazines and such, so this is probably old news." I laughed and she looked at me confused. "But what do you mean? Why would I have seen you on magazines? I mean I don't ever look at them but I don't see why you would be on one?" she said. "Mum Niall is in a famous boyband. Niall Horan from One Direction." I said with a chuckle. "He is my next door neighboor, so that's how we met after a year of living next to each other. Well he introduced me to his friends and their girlfriends and I can honestly say they are the best friends I have ever had. Niall here got me to have faith in guys again, and he makes me so happy. I'm going to be going on tour with them in a couple months.. I hope sometime you guys can meet them." I looked over to my dad who was still smiling but still completely quiet. What was up with him?

"So do you guys even know what happened to me?" I asked, genuinly curious. They shook their heads and I laughed. "Okay well longs story.. Wanna sit on the stairs while I tell it?" She nodded and we all sat down. "We had been together for a year, and to celebrate he wanted to take me to a party. So just like any girl would, I said yes. When I showed up everyone was either high or drunk as fuck. Me being me, went inside anyway. Well when I found Ben he was drunk. I walked up to him only to be pushed into a wall. He smelled like alcohol. His hot breath was on my face and soon he was kissing my neck, trying to get his hand under my dress. I pushed him off me and yelled at him. He didn't hesitate in grabbing my arm with too tight of a grip and I could see fury in his eyes. He wouldn't let go of me. Without thinking I reached up to slap him, but he caught my hand. He laughed and then handed his friend his drink before pulling me out the door. He forced me up against his door and I felt him getting harder. When I resisted, he proceeded to slap me. Hard. In the exact spot my "father" had. He laughed and threw me into the car. I hit my head on the gear shifter and suddenly felt dizzy. I smelt blood. I heard was him saying "fuck" under his breath, and I saw him smile. I heard the buckle on his trousers rattle and felt him removing my panties. I felt him thrust in and felt severe pain. I was still a virgin at the time. I heard him laugh and that's all I remember before I blacked out.

I woke up in strange place I had never been before. I tried to get up with I realized I couldn't. I had been tied up. That was when I saw Ben. A huge grin appeared on his lips as he leaned in and said " you're mine now. I have you for whatever I want, whenever I want. You know what I want, don't you?" He winked and glanced down as my crotch. I quickly resisted. He chuckled before pulling out a gun, placing it to my head. He continued with school, while he was gone I was locked in the basement- which by the way was fucking scary as hell. He used me as a sex slave for three years, and if I resisted he would hit me. Sometimes with his belt, other times he would push me. Sometimes he would bring out the gun. So for three straight years, I was his hoe. I gave him pleasure when he wanted. I hated the fact that it felt so good that I couldn't help my reaction. One day the police showed up at his door. He tied me up in the bathroom and gagged me, before answering the door. They asked him questions about a missing girl. Me. Someone had reported me missing. Just as they were about to leave I made my way over to kick at the door. They found me. After all those years I was finally free. They took him to jail. At the time he kidnapped me I was 15. That day, I was almost 18. To make a long story short I didn't trust guys of any sort. I never came back. I left Cheshire. I moved away to Ireland. Mullingar to be exact. I love it there. I moved in next door to Niall but I had never saw his face. When he left he had on sunglasses and I SnapBack, mostly cover by a hood. I always thought something was up, but I didn't care. Well ventilation I ran into him and now that's where we are!" They were in utter shock at what I said they were half in tears and couldn't believe what they were hearing. They said some things that really weren't that important.

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