Chapter 6

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" don't worry it's cool. Ill miss you guys like crazy though! But listen.. About niall. I really do like hm. He's different than everybody else.. I just can't get myself to trust another guy yet. When I'm ready ill tell him all of this and give him a shot. But right now please just keep this between us...?"

They both nodded before giving me on last hug. I dried my eyes with my sleeve before saying, "on a lighter note, I'm in need of.. Something from my house would you like to join me?" I winked and we all laughed before heading back to my flat. I grabbed what I needed and started for he door with El when I realized Danielle had sat down, head towards the floor.

" Riley.." Dani said cautiously.

"Yeah?" I walked back over and sat down beside her, encouraging her to go on. "I know you've been trough a lot.. You just told us all of that.. Do you trust me and El?" She said with a small smile. "I mean like.. Are we friends.?" I looked at her wondering why she would have to ask such a thing.

"Of course! Why do you ask that?" I said curious why she sat down and looked so sad.

She kind of laughed looking at the ground. She shook her head in discust before wiping away what I could only assume was a tear.

"Dani what's wrong?" I asked concerned. Eleanor patted my should and I turned around and she shoot her head no. Daniele noticed before standing up. "No el it's fine. She told us her story.. I should tell her mine.. Um okay so most of the time I was in grade school no one liked me. They all called me fat, ugly, black, I was too tall or too short, or not good enough. I never caught a break. Once I figure out I could dance in the ninth grade, I suddenly got friends.. The girl who I thought was my best friend back stabbed me.. Told me no one ever really liked me.. She said no one ever would. I know this doesn't compare to your story. At all honestly, but I just never imagine anyone ever liking me for me and actually being my friend." She trailed off looking at the ground again. I cupped her chin in my hand and looked her in the eyes.

"Listen to me okay? You are beautiful, funny, so so nice, an amazing dancer, and more importantly, an amazing person. You have so many good friends and this people at school don't know what the hell they're talking about. But forget any all of that. Don't think any of that is tue. I promise were not like them." She tried to pull her chin out of my grip but I kept ahold. She looked me in the eyes then smiled. She had such a gorgeous smile. I'm so jealous.

"Thanks Ri. I love you guys. I couldn't ask for better friends." I hugged her and kissed her cheek and watched as el did the same. "We love you too" she said and I nodded my head. We decided to head back to the flat as it was beginning to get late.

"Where the hell were you guys?" Niall said to all three of us. We all laughed and shrugged it off. All we said was "No big deal we were just talking.." I said before winking at them. Nialls face lit up as he saw me wink. I guess he had some hope I could begin to trust him. I will be honest, I do trust him- just as a friend right now. I hope someday we will be able to be together. I mean we've known each other for a while now.. Doesn't seem like that long, and they all would be leaving soon. I'm going to miss them all so much. I know niall will be staying back for a while, but once he leaves I don't know what Ill do. I mean they are my first real friends I ever had and I love theme so much.

"Hey Riley, can we take a walk real quick?" Niall asked, interrupting my thoughts. I gave him a pouting look. "Nialler..! I just took a walk and I'm tired." I said. He gave me a pleading look so I gave in. "Fine." We got up and walked outside.

Once we were outside he was silent as we slowly walked down the sidewalk. He broke the silence, "hey Ri.. So listen about what I said the other day.. I understand everything you went through even though you never told me, and I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything. When you're ready you let me know. Incompletely respect your desicion whatever it may be." At this point I didn't know what to say but we had stopped walking. At this point I felt like I could trust him with anything. I wanted nothing more than to throw myself into his arms and kiss him. I wanted to, but I couldn't. I promised myself that and until I know I'm ready I can't do anything. I just can't.

"Oh niall thank you so much. It's stuff like this that makes me feel I can trust you with anything. I will definitely tell you when I'm ready. You're the best friend anyone could ask for. I'm really going to miss you guys when you leave soon.. But I think you should know that I do like you. I just can't do it right now. I'm sorry. But once you know the story, you will understand even more." I leaned up and kissed his cheek. He blushed and then smiled his adorable smile.

"So i will tell you my story.." He smiled even bigger before rubbing my back as we sat down on the bench. "Go on Ri. You know you can tell me anything."

"Well as a child my mother died and my father broke down. He was never the same. He became a depressed alcoholic and became abusive.." I paused gathering my thoughts as he stared at me in shock. " he hit me with a ring on actually.. It gave me this scar.." I pointed to the spot on my face. I felt him grab my hand. "well eventually after many years I got the courage to tell someone about the abuse. I told my teacher and she arranged for me to be adopted into a new family.. Well I haven't seem my dad since. No idea if he's dead or alive and I honestly couldn't care less." I started to tear up. My voice cracked a little. "and then everything was fine for a while even thought I didn't trust guys. Well umm.. Okay so I met this guy named josh. I finally decided to trust guys again. Well after I dated him for a year he wanted to take me out to celebrate. He told me a party so I agreed. Well everyone there was drunk and high, including josh. He was wasted and tried getting him hand under my dress and kept forcing his tongue down my throat... I tried to get him off me. Well he didn't get his way then but he found it funny when I pulled away so I tried to slap him but he caught my arm. So that made him mad and he forced me outside and took me to his car where he through me in the car after he hit me where my dad did.. I hit my head off of something and passed out. But not before he proceeded to take my virginity against my will. I woke up tied up to a chair in his house. He used me as his sex slave whenever he wanted for three years or he would beat me and he threaded to shoot me.. " I can't believe I have told two people this story in one day after never telling anyone. I thought I wasn't even going to tell him for a while. He squeezed my hand and I looked at the ground a moment before looking him in the eyes. He was a mix of emotions - upset, sad, angry, nothing good. " okay so one day the police came to his house and he locked me in the bathroom tied up I manage to hit the door and I was free after that. When he went to school he locked me in the basement.. I had no where to go and no one to talk to. I have never had fiends until you guys and I'm really glad. So that's why I turned you down for now. I don't trust guys. At all. I never went back to see my adoptive parents either. I wanted to be as far away as possible. So I packed up from Cheshire and moved here to mullingar. That's when I met you guys and all that.. You're basically caught up now." I said as I looked at my feet tears staring again. "I feel different around you guys than I did anyone else. Besides my mom.. Although I never had been a fan of one direction because you loose track of music when you're locked in a basement for three years. I never expected to meet all you guys since I didn't think you lived here.. I defiantly never imagined becoming best friends with you guys and certainly not having you liking me. I never would've thought I could be so happy. Thank you niall."

He wrapped his arms around me into a tight hug. I was about to cry again before he said, "I had no idea Riley. I am so sorry."

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