Chapter 16

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I looked at Niall and smiled very big then ran and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Thank you.. So much." I said in a hushed tone. "It's my pleasure babe." He said back.

Niall had booked us some tickets back to Cheshire and I couldn't be more happy. Hearing my mothers voice made me realize what was missing - her. I know I said mother and father, like I said earlier they are my adoptive parents. But to me they are my family. Ill never forget my real mum and she will never be replaced.

I nudged Nialls shoulder and he gave me a look and then laughed. "Yeah?" He said. I smiled and said, "I'm scared. We leave tomorrow Ni. What if they don't approve of me anymore? I have changed quite a lot since I haven't seen them since I was 15." He gave me a sympathetic look an grabbed my hand. "Ri they won't think of you an different. Did you hear her voice when you dialed her? They missed you like crazy Ri. Don't be nervous this is a good thing for you guys." He squeezed my hand one last time and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before standing up and grabbing his phone. He walked into the kitchen and I started thinking..

I haven't seen the guys in what seems like forever. The last time I saw them was when they had broken the record. What have they been up go? I realized I missed them and that they would be back in England too. But in a different place. I can't believe it has been this long. After I see my mum and dad are we staying there? I remembered we were supposed to leave later in the week after the 'prom' but we never did. Have they already left? How long has it been?

Niall walked back into the room and smiled, setting his phone down. "Hey Niall.. We haven't seen the guys in a while, have they left yet?" He nodded. "Weren't we supposed to leave with them?" He nodded again. "Yeah but we were having so much fun, and the rehearses for your are so stressful.. I didn't want the fun to end. But we re staying in London after we visit your family in Cheshire." He gave me a giant fake smile and I laughed shoving his arm away. How did I not know they had gone.

I pulled out my phone and texted El.

To: El

Hey girl! We haven't talked in FOREVER. Text me later? Ill be seeing you guys soon. Love you all! Tell everyone I miss them and that ill see them soon!!!! xx ((:

I hit the send button and looked at Niall. He gave me butterflies. I can't wait until we get to Cheshire. I miss it so ducking much. "We should head to bed Ri, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow and its getting late." I sighed and got up following him upstairs.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out an saw it was from Eleanor.

From: El

Hey!! I miss you guys tooo!!!!! It has been SO long. Lots of love we all miss and love you. Ill text you tomorrow babe, love you more than anyone !!!! ((: xx

I decided to text her back really quickly.

To: El

Okay! Love you moree!! Night love (:

I tucked my phone back into my pocket and walked over to the mirror and pulled my long hair into a messy bun. I saw Niall come in and I smiled as I walked out to the bathroom.

After I had peed and brushed my teeth I took off all of my makeup and slid my big shirt off, leaving me in a tank top and sweatpants. I put my slipper boots on and walked back to the room. I slid into the bed with Niall. He was so warm and it made me feel safe.

It didn't take long to fall asleep, as I was really tired. Tomorrow will be amazing I hope, especially with Niall being there.

I woke up to a warm bed as I remembered that I was with Niall. I felt him move under me as I started to stir. I looked up, "good morning princess." He said giving me goosebumps. I smiled up at him and sighed. "Good morning." He made me smile more than I ever have before and I just keep wondering how it all happened so quickly.

I decided I was hungry so I poke him in the face. He groaned and gave me a pouted face. "What?" He said playfully. "I'm hungry. Make me food?" I gave him my puppy dog eyes and kissed him and eventually he got up and went to the kitchen.

"What would you like princessa?" He said quoting one of my favorite movies as a younger child-Princess Protection Program. I love it when he calls me princess. I've heard from so many people he said he wanted to find his princess and he calls me that now. He started a couple weeks ago and it makes me feel amazing. I'm so glad I decided to let him into my life, I have never felt this happy.

I realized I had stared off into space, lost in my thoughts when he called my name. "Riley? Woohoo!" He said waving his hand in front of my face. I snapped back to reality and returned the smile he gave me. "Sorry," I said, "what was the question again?" I laughed giving a shrug. He laughed his famous and adorable laugh before repeating himself. "What would you like?" "Eggs. I want eggs. With toast.. Yep I like toast." I had been staring at the bar making strange faces without realizing it until I heard Niall cracking up laughing. He choked on his words as he tried to explain to me what made him laugh so hard.

"You were just like staring at the bar talking more to yourself and it was so weird how you were talking I just cant.." He trailed off into more laughter and although I wasn't quite sure why, I laughed too. I love being with him alone, but I sure do miss the guys.

After a few more minutes of laughter, I remembered the trip. "Niall when do we leave?" I asked with worry, remembering I hadn't even started packing. "Our flight leaves at 2:15 which gives us.." He counted in his head, staring at the celling, before finishing. "About 4 hours. Why whats up Ri?" I shook my head watching the eggs in the skillet. "Oh I just need to pack.." I trailed off as he set a plate of eggs in front of me. "Thanks love!" I exclaimed shoving my mouth full of food. He laughed a little and the whispered a quick your welcome in my ear before walking off. That's weird. Niall never misses food? Oh well.

I finished my plate of food and went to find Niall. He was sitting on the floor packing up my things. "Niall you don't have to do this-" he cut me off by saying "I want to its not a big deal!" He shrugged it off an went back to packing. This kid was a piece of work. But it worked perfectly with me.

***Niall POV***

When I woke up this morning I felt right. Almost like nothing in the world could hurt me. A few minutes later Riley had woken up and even though it sounds silly I have always wanted a girl I could call princess. I wanted a girl who would be my princess. One that I loved and I wondered if Riley knew that.. I decided then an there that it was her. She was my princess. My everything. My mind was always filled thinking about her. Not a second passes that she isn't in my thoughts.

"Good morning princess." I said smiling at her. She stretched and smiled back saying, "Good morning." We lied there for a few minutes before she sat up and told me she was hungry. "Niall?" She had said. "What?" I said gruffly but she knew I was kidding. "I'm hungry. Make me food." So I did. I went downstairs and made her the food she requested- eggs and toast. When I was cooking she made this really weird face, almost like she wasn't all there. But talking to more herself than me. It was strange. I died laughing and eventually so did she. She said she hadn't packed which was typical, so when she was eating I left to go help her pack. She walked in and told me not to help but I insisted on it. It's not big deal right? Nothing I won't do for the woman I love.

***Riley POV***

We arrived at the air port at 1:45. I hate going through security and all of that shit. It was all pointless because I didn't have drugs or weapons. Period. But the will never just believe me.

We boarded the plane and didn't really say much, but once the plane took off I crashed. I didn't know I was tired, but sleeping most of the way seemed like a good idea anyways.

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