Chapter 15

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I started feeling tired and felt myself drifting off to sleep. I laid my head back onto his shoulder, feeling his fingers start running through my hair. Eventually, I fell into a peacful sleep..

***Riley dream***

We were running through a park holding hands, passing benches, children playing, lakes and being warmed by the summer sun. We ran to the top of a hill and sat down to enjoy the nice day.

"Today is amazing." Niall said. "I know! I feel like I haven't been this happy in years." I said laying my head on his shoulder. We lied down in the grass together and it seemed like nothing could ever make this day any better.

"Hey Ri?" Niall asked. "Yeah?" "You know I love you right?" He asked looking deep into my eyes. I smiled and so did he. "Of course. I love you too. More than anything. Why do you ask?" His smile faded and the words he said next I was not prepared for.

"I have cancer Ri."

***Dream end***

I woke up sweating and hyperventilating. I started crying as I realized it was a dream. Someone was shaking me and I turned to see Niall with concern in his eyes.

"Riley are you okay?" He asked me. "Yeah.. Yeah I'm fine.. It was a um, bad dream." I said unsure. He gave me a weird look. I sighed and he said, "Do you want to talk about it babe?" I don't know. Do I? Sure why not.

"Sure umm.." I trailed off. My dreams are sometimes hard to remember and I have to figure out how to explain. "We'll I don't remember everything, but basically we were running through a park and it was the best day of my life. But then you asked if I knew you loved me and you said you had cancer and then I woke up.. It's silly I know.. But it scared me because it felt so real. I don't want to lose you." I said and felt years forming again.

He leaned forward and kissed my lips, then looked me straight in the eyes. "Don't worry Ri, I'm not going anywhere." I believed him. I smiled and so did he, then we lied back down on the bed, but no one got any sleep the rest of the night.

We stayed up talking. Not about anything in particular. We just talked. Talked like we used to when he was my best friend. We talked about his band and the upcoming tour. Our favorite movies and books. What we wanted to do later on in lives. What our biggest dreams have always been. Everything. I loved every minute of it.

Later on we decided to go to the kitchen to make some tea. I love tea. It's a stereo type that all British people love tea I guess, but you would be surprised by the amount of us that actually hate it. That and the fact I'm in Ireland right now may have something to do with not many people liking it.

I have started thinking about my family back home. I know I shouldn't, but I am. I keep wondering what happened to them. What did my adoptive parents think happened to me? Have they seen me in magazines? I guess I have a lot on my mind the past couple hours after I started thinking about it and Niall can tell.

"Ri?" He asked concerned. "Yeah?" I said half off in space. I came back to reality and gave him a fake smile. "Yeah Ni?" He didn't buy it. "What's wrong babe? Something on your mind?" His eyes were full of worry, and it made me upset. He's my boyfriend, should I tell him? Maybe it would help.. I realized I was staring off into space again and looked up at him. He gave me a reassuring glance. I should tell him.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay well after we talked for a while over the night I kind of started thinking about my family, and where they are.." I trailed off taking a sip of my tea. He gently grabbed my shoulder and shook it lightly. "Hey it's okay. If you want to go back and see your family, I will go with you and ill help you find them. It's your choice love." He smiled and I smiled back. "I think I do.. I just wonder what they thin happened to me, and if they have seen me pictures in the paper or not.." I looked down and he cupped my chin, pulling it back up.

"I'm sure they miss you and would love to hear from you." He gave me a quick peck on the lips before standing up and grabbing me hand, pulling me up as well. He encased me in a big, comforting hug which made me feel so much better about this whole situation.

"I'll see about getting your parents numbers and getting you tickets to see them." He said giving me one last squeeze before walking over to grab his phone off the counter. He punched in a number then walked off to the side and made arrangements. He walked over with a big smile.

"Good news Ri! I got you a number." He handed me his phone and I hit the call button. When it started ringing my stomach dropped to my feet.

Someone picked up and I heard a familiar voice. "Hello?" My breath caught in my throat and I looked up at Niall and he smiled at me. "Mom?" I asked hopefully. "Riley? Riley is that you!" She sounded like she was going to cry. "Yeah mom it's me.. Look I have a lot of explaining to do and everything. I'm sure you've seen my pictures around because I'm dating Niall and all and he said if you would like, he can fly out with me to see you." She let out an excited noise and quickly said yes and I heard crying and then I heard her talking to my dad about everything. "When will you be here?" She asked. I looked at Niall and mouthed the question. He said, "next week." I repeated the answer to my mom and we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I looked at Niall and smiled very big then ran and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. "Thank you.. So much." I said in a hushed tone. "It's my pleasure babe." He said back.

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