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Guys please read this!

Thank you so much guys! I normally wouldn't want to have a note in here since I want the chapters to be by themselves, but I think I needed to add one! I will probably end up deleting this after a while, but I love you all so much thank you all for the votes and reads..535 reads! That's pretty amazing for me right now! 25 votes on this story and 26 in general.. It's just.. Wow guys. I can't thank you enough. Thank you to all the people who told their friends about it and just thanks for all the positive feedback! Thanks guys so much. Well please keep commenting and voting an obviously reading! I love you all soo much. Oh by the way one last thing!

I need a shipping name for Riley and Niall. So I was thinking either Niley or Riall..? But if you have other suggestions comment them!

Oh and if anyone was wondering about the name choices Riley isn't my name, my name is Kylie. But anyways thanks again!(:

Bye loves!

-xx Kylie

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