Chapter 13

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I looked over at him and smiled, knowing what we had just done. "Was it worth it?" He questioned and winked at me. "Totally worth it. I love you." I said back. "Love you too baby." I can't believe that just happened, I never thought I would be able to enjoy this again, but I certainly did..

We just payed in bed cuddling for a bit, before I started heading him sing under his breath.

I want you to rock me

Rock me

Rock me oh

I want you to hit the pedal

Heavy metal

Show me you care

I hit him in the shoulder "Niall!" I shouted. "Ouch!" He said rubbing his shoulder in fake pain. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed and grabbed my clothes. "Where you going?" He asked. "The shower? I feel gross. Duh." I said sarcastically as I make circles around my head indicating that he was crazy. He rolled his eyes at me and then said, "Okay but hurry back, ill miss you and you have kept me warm." I laughed. "Sure thing.. After you shower also!" I said then skipped out of the room before he could protest. I heard him groan as I ran to the shower.

I heard the door open after about five minutes. "Niall?" I called out. "It's me babe, just brushing my teeth real fast!" I smiled to myself knowing this little weirdo is my boyfriend. "No problem!" I called out and I heard him start brushing his teeth so I decided to get back to washing my hair.

I started humming to the song One Way Or Another- the bands new cover - and I heard Niall start singing under his breath. I love his voice. It's perfect. I started singing along, not noticing he had stopped singing until he said, "Hey good job Ri! You have a nice voice." I blushed, thankful he couldn't see me. I grabbed a towel and stepped out of the shower. "Thanks Ni, but I don't think I'm good enough.." I trailed off, knowing no matter what I said he would disagree. But what he said next really did surprise me.

"I'm serious Riley. This is really good. You should sing something on our tour, maybe you could make it!" He was excited, but I didn't want that.

"Niall.. I don't want that. I want to be with you the whole time. Maybe I could sing at a few shows, but I'm not into anything big. I would rather spend my time with you." I smiled and he returned the smile.

He smiled possibly the biggest smile I'd ever seen. "That's all I could ever ask." He said in a whisper moving closer to me and then kissed me.

"Niall.. Do you actually think I could make it?" I said when our kiss broke apart. "Of course babe! I wouldn't tell you that if it weren't true." I smiled and I kissed his cheek. "Thanks love, in going to go get dressed okay?" I said but left before he could answer.

I walked into his room and grabbed my clothes, which thankfully weren't dirty from the erm.. recent event. I slipped into them then went to find Niall.

"Hey Ni?" I yelled. I heard him answer from the bathroom. "Yeah I'm in here!" I walked into the bathroom and saw him standing in front of the mirror. "Do you want to stay at my place instead? I need to get my hair dryer and such. Plus I have work tomorrow. I've been calling off a lot, if I do it again they'll start suspecting something's up." I said laughing. He grinned then laughed a little before nodding his head.

"Let's go over there in a bit, give me some time to get me shit together." He laughed, so did I and then left the room to sit on the couch to wait.

I heard him call down the stairs, "I'll be ready in a minute Ri!" "Kay!" I called back up. A few minutes later I heard him coming down the stairs.

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