Chapter 14

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I heard him call down the stairs, "I'll be ready in a minute Ri!" "Kay!" I called back up. A few minutes later I heard him coming down the stairs..

He had no shirt on and was wearing sweats and a SnapBack. He's so cute. "Lovin the look my lovely." I said winking at him. He walked over and set his bag down beside me and then picked me up setting me on his lap. He kissed my nose and then played with me hair. I looked down at him and kissed him, our noses stayed touching as we sat there.

Breathily, he said, "You ready to go?" I wish we didn't have to stop, I hope we get to keep going later, but for now we have to go. I nodded and he grabbed my hand and his bag then walked out the door.

I let go of his hand and then skipped ahead jokingly the my front door. I stick my tongue out at him as he laughed, then ran inside and shut the door. I heard him run up the stairs and started giggling. He pushed on the door. "Come on Ri let me in!" He yelled through the door. "Never!" I called out like a noble? I don't know. But I did call out like something.

His beautiful laugh filled my ears from the other side of the door as I felt pushing since he had tried to open the door. I shrieked and pushed the door back and we went back an forth knowing he was going easy on me. "Riley it's dark I'm scawerd!" He said like a little kid. I laughed as he finally stopped. It got dead silent and the door stopped moving. I know he was planning something but when and what, I didn't know.

All of a sudden I heard a loud noise as the door flew open and he grabbed my waist, pulling me up then kissing my neck and threw me around his shoulder. He ran through the flat and tossed me on the bed. He climbed overtop on me and kissed me.

I was in shock but recovered to quickly to return the favor. We did get to finish. Yay. I love him and how he just throws me loops. He was still on top of me kissing me and he was holding my head with one of his hands. Slowly we sat up and eventually broke apart.

I smiled at him and said, "Hey you want to go watch some movies?" I jumped up excitedly. He laughed. "Sure babe but don't hurt yourself!" He said taking the hand I offered out. I started to running to the living room.

We watched 'The Lion King' and ate popcorn and candy. This was an amazing night and I couldn't have asked for it to be with a better guy. I smiled to myself before looking at him.

I took in all the details of his perfect face while he watched the movie. He had a perfect jawline, and soft red cheeks. His lips curved just the right way, sticking out slightly from his face. His cute little nose was just perfect. He has long eyelashes and the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Bright blue with a little bit of yellow and sometimes green spread throughout them. The way he squints his eyes a little when he's concentrated. He was absolutely perfect, and I'm just normal. Plain old me.

He noticed me looking and smiled. "What?" He said playful, nudging my arm with his. "Nothing.." I said trying to sound nonshalant, but I obviously failed since he laughed at me. but shrugged it off. "Okay." He said, dragging out the o. I laughed and so did he and I guess we just forgot about it.

I started feeling tired and felt myself drifting off to sleep. I laid my head back onto his shoulder, feeling his fingers start running through my hair. Eventually, I fell into a peacful sleep..

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