Yellow Hyacinth

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Yellow Hyacinth - Jelousy 

Announcement! I'm posting an extra chapter because I realized that I went a rather long time without uploading and I'm like- Four chapters ahead? Anyway, I hope yall enjoy the second post of the day!

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Warning- This chapter may contain moments of madness, profanity, and/or detailed explanations of pain, if you are uncomfortable during this chapter please leave and read something better. This may also contain bad grammar and too many commas. Thank you.

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The boy behind the tree couldn't have been Ranboo, and the boy didn't peek his head around the tree until he was quite sure they had stopped looking. His wavy brown hair tumbled past his forehead and threatened to cover his chocolate brown eyes as he peeked at the crown prince with his friends. He imagined him sitting there with Theseus, just him and no one else. Oh, the fun they would have! Just like old times, eh?

His face flushed red at the thought, Theseus all to himself! He would be his! Forever! No one could get between them, otherwise, he'd have to get rid of them. He hated getting rid of people. So many questions always followed! "Are they ok?" "What do you think happened?" "Do that have a suspect?" "Is the castle safe?" So on, so forth. It was such a hassle for someone no one even cared about! If someone cared for them, why would they let them go missing? It was so stupid! Theseus would never go missing, he just wouldn't allow it! He'd been separated from Theseus long enough and he wasn't planning on letting him go any time soon.

How terrible they were to him. He watched their Đł₴Ɇ₳Ɇtry to ₥₳₦ł₱ɄⱠ₳₮Ɇ ₮ⱧɆɆɄthe longer he stayed with them. He saw their strings tie around Theseus's wrists and ankles, capturing him further. Pulling Theseus away from him. Away from his brother. Away from god.

He squirmed behind the tree, this can't happen! Not again! They can't take Theseus from me! I must do something, Show them how much I love him! Then they CAN'T take him away! He took a deep breath and quietly snuck from behind the weeping willow to behind his Theseus, HIS THESEUS-

"Theseus!" He laughed, throwing his arms around his little brother. "Hello Wilbur," He sighed, not hugging back. Not 'Wilby'? Why doesn't he say hello to me like he does everyone else? Wilbur's hands drifted up Theseus's shirt until they reached his little brother's throat, "What? Do you not like my hugs? I'm really trying, you know that right? I love you so, little songbird. Don't you love me?" He purred into Theseus's ear, knowing just how to set him off. Theseus reached up and placed a warm hand on Wilbur's, "Of course! You're my brother, why wouldn't I love you?" He giggled, then shuffled to the side to let Wilbur sit with him on the blue cape.

Wilbur's face flushed red with sick satisfaction as he sat on the cape, too close to his little brother. He linked his arm with Theseus's and picked up one of the slices of cheesecake and fed it to Theseus with a giggle. He sighed and began talking to his little brother. He must get comfortable around him, how else will he get Theseus to leave with him? This place isn't meant for Theseus, it isn't good for his Songbird to be here. Only headaches and pain come from the palace, he must show Theseus his home, his wife, and his better life.

"Theseus?" Wilbur said, tilting his head questioningly, "What happens when you enter a place you've been before?" Wilbur watched closely as his brother's face changed from mild confusion to surprise with a hint of another emotion. Sadness? Anger? Fear?

"Oh my GOD-" He started, rolling his eyes, "Cant we talk about something else? Why is everyone so obsessed with me? I lost my memories! GET IT TOGETHER!" Theseus impractically yelled, throwing his free arm up into the air.

"Anything for you, my Songbird," Wilbur said, a smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes. Theseus fell silent and looked at his older brother with a guilty look.

"I guess I can tell you, You are my brother after all," He mumbled making Wilbur's cheeks flush with excitement and his lips curl into a smile. "I can hear the memories but I can't remember it if that makes sense. Like, I hear the voices, and sometimes I can feel my emotions but other than that it makes me really sick." He stuck out his tongue, remembering the bitter taste of puke. 

Wilbur nodded, listening quietly. He can hear memories? He pondered this thought for a moment, Does that mean he heard what I said a few weeks ago? The realization hit him like a bat and a bead of sweat dripped down his temple as he began to panic. Will he still love me If he remembers what I said? Oh, stupid Wilbur! Why can't you keep your tongue in your mouth! He scrunched his face as if he'd just tasted something bitter, biting his tongue to keep himself silent. 

"Wilby?" Theseus asked, studying Wilbur's expression. He was dragged out of his thoughts and he blinked at his little brother in response. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, yes, I'm fine. I just remembered I used to have an alter ego that liked to kick in when I was upset, I truly apologize for anything you might've remembered while I wasn't myself." Wilbur laughed inside when he realized how good he was at making excuses on the spot. Theseus smiled in return, believing every word. 

He began to see the strings loosening, the others weren't able to influence him as much anymore as the strings started to fall. His heart calmed, though he knew he'd have many more strings to go. Eight more, he counted, Eight more and he will be mine. 


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