Bonding time (chapter 36)

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Hehehe burn. Me and Akio stood by the bond fire fueled by our fathers assets. It was satisfying watching it be consumed by the flames. After it was all ash and soot me and Akio got to work of moving her stuff in. She decided since I was gone she would live with mom so she's not too lonely. We brought in the furniture with the help of her friends. Then we began to decorate her room. When we were done we decided to clean up around the house, so that when our mom got here everything was spotless. It was nice. Me and Aiko blasting music. Singing and dancing together. It reminded me of when we were kids. How we would play pop star together. When we were done we laughed at the dance Akio just did. She fell on top of me with a "oof." "Aaah Akio your heavyyyy. Get off." I tried to push her but she tightened her hold. "I just love my baby sister so so sooo much." She squished her face into mine and I groaned. "I'm not a baby Akiooo." She laughed before sitting up. Straddling me, pinning me by my shoulders. "You are to me." I felt a ticking in my sides and began to thrash around. "AKIO STOP BAHAHAHA STOP." She laughed evilly as she attacked my sides. "No way! I still remember how ticklish you are!!" I laughed hysterically while she continued to attack me. Once she was satisfied she got up, dusted her hands off, and sat down on the couch. "Your the devil." I said, glaring at her from the ground. She grinned, rolling her eyes. There was a click at the door and we both turned to look. Our mom walked in, her eyes lit up when she saw the house. "It's so clean." She murmured, me and Akio stood up as she took in the house. "Did you guys do this??" she asked, tears pooling in her eyes. Me and Akio smiled and approached her. "Of course mama, we wanna make it feel like home again." Our mom began to cry before running to us. She pulled us into a hug, mumbling thanks yous. Once she calmed down she pulled away. "How about dinner and movies?" Me and Akio agreed.

Things are finally feeling normal again. At least slightly

(I want some peoples opinion. After this book should I do a Haikyuu or Tokyo revenges x reader?? Sorry this is short btw these are filler chapters tho soooooo, I promise the next one will finally get back to the main story.)

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