^Little friend^ (Chapter 25)

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Summer camp continued on, it was hard. I decided I was going to write a song to perform, I practiced everyday non stop. The notes in the song where high, and hard too hit. I was in the the auditorium practicing, I went to hit a higher note but my body went numb and I fell to the floor. My breath came in uneven pants. Somebody picked me up off the floor and sat me against a wall. When I got my bearings I saw it was Mr. Aizawa, Mandalay, and the little boy.

"You can't just not breath y/n, hitting note like that mean breath control, you learned this." Mr. Aizawa said. "You'll pass out if you don't." I nodded and heard him sigh. "Take a break for a minute." He walked away, Mandalay said something to the boy and followed closely behind Aizawa. The little boy stared at me, he then asked. "Was Nana your mom?" He didn't sound curious or anything, just blunt and straight forward. "No." I replied, "just my mentor, she was kinda like a mother though." He turned away from me and clenched his fist. "Why?" I looked at him, confused. "Why what?" He wiped around to look at me with a angry, yet teary expression. "WHY DO YOU DO THIS. WHY DO YOU GUYS WANT TO SING SO BAD! FOR THE FAME, THE MONEY? IT ONLY PUTS A TARGET ON YOUR BACK SO WHY! WHY ARE YOU WILLING TO BE AT RISK!?" I was shocked at his sudden outburst, what was he talking about? "My parents.." his once raging voice turned to a mere whisper. "They where famous actors, some people hated them, hated them and killed them!" He he kneeled to the floor and cried. I frowned and crawled over to him, scoping him into my arms and giving him a hug. He made a sound of surprise but melted into my embrace.

"It's not for the fame or money, I already have that. It's my dream, my life, it's what makes me free. I don't care for any of the other stuff, I just want to share my music with people. Sometimes, people think it's worth dying for." He started to cry harder and held onto me tightly. "Wanna get a snack?" I asked, he nodded and I stood up holding him. He wrap his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck, burying his face into my shoulder. We went to the kitchen and stole some Motchi from the freezer. Sitting on the floor and eating it. After that break I continued to practice, the boy who's name I learned was Kota stayed with me the rest of the day.

Finally dinner time came around. Kota held my had and we made our way to the dining room. When we walked in my class looked at us. Surprised to see me with the little one. "Hey guys." I said, some responded while others just nodded or waved. "Go sit down and I'll get us food Kay!" Kota agreed and found a place to sit, glaring at people around him. I grabbed two plates or curry and brought them over.

"Than you y/n-nee." I smiled at the young boy. "No problem Kota." We are in a comfortable silence, I felt something tug in my shirt and turned to see Kirishima. "What's up?" He looked at me concerned and leaned in. "I saw what happened this morning while you where practicing, be more careful, ok Angel?" I blushed at what he called me and nodded. He kissed my cheek gently, placing his hand on the other side of my face. He pulled away and smiled sweetly. He then got up and left, my face was burning and my heart was racing. He just...... wow. I felt eyes piercing the back of my head, I turned to see Kota staring at me intensely.

"Is that your boyfriend?" He asked in a stoic voice. I felt my blush become more vibrant. "N-no, he's just a friend." He turned away and said "uh huh." In an unconvinced voice. The teachers then walked In. Mandalay grabbed and mic and announced.

"The competition is in two days"

"Be prepared"

~•Voice of an Angel•~ Mha singing au x reader (un continued)Where stories live. Discover now