Chapter 14 - Party

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It was a reinforced bear. Now whoever named this thing wasn't very creative but they were certainly accurate. Its claws and teeth were covered in organic metal. Not a very strong beast but it wasn't edible because of all the metal in its body. "Looks like I'll need to find something else to eat," I mumbled to myself.

The bear brought its claws down above my head but I easily side stepped it. I brought my sword up and cut off its head. An easy kill. Leaving its corpse behind I continued to wander around for a camp and something to eat. My stomach started to rumble and it was growing dark. "Seris, why did you drop me off so late?" I mumbled.

I managed to find a small opening under a small cliff, just enough to sleep in. With that, my first day out here ended with an uncomfortable sleeping position and empty stomach.

I woke up to the sun in my eyes, I groaned as I tried to protect myself with my arm. I got up and looked around, since it got so dark so fast I couldn't figure out my surroundings. Once I got a look around I heard some flowing water. I made my way over to the sound to see a freshwater river. The water was crystal clear.

I scooped up some water and drank it. It was soothing on my dry throat. I kept drinking until I was full, hopefully I didn't get sick. I saw some squirrels and foxes on the other side of the river. I jumped over to try and catch some to no avail. I kept trying and trying to catch them till night.

I returned to my little sleeping place on an empty stomach. If I don't get something to eat and quickly I'll be having a huge problem on my hands.

I started to think about school. It was supposed to be a fun place to make memories and make friends. I don't think that'll happen though, I tried making friends at the many parties I attended but to no avail. It seems the Denoir house isn't very well liked.

I sighed. I just hope that my adoptive parents would stop trying to get me partners. I'm lucky that Sevren keeps them away, I don't know what would happen if he wasn't around.

I woke up again, pain ran across my body from the horrible sleeping position. I was surprised that I hadn't found any mana beasts, but it was a welcome surprise.

"I should find somewhere else to camp," I said to myself as I wandered in a random direction. As I walked I kept trying to catch at least a rabbit but failed every time. Since I was a striker I had no ranged attacks and I had no training on how to fight tiny things. To put it simply, I would have to get creative. Augmenting myself, I dug out a hole and covered it with sticks and leaves. If I was lucky something would walk over it. I took some berries and put them on the pitfall, I then hid in a nearby bush.

After a while a small rabbit came by and started to sniff around. "Come on, Come on," I said to myself as the rabbit slowly made its way to the berries. Soon the rabbit jumped to the berries and... Yes! It fell in. I ran over to grab my prize. Once I got there I saw the rabbit stuck and confused. I thrust my sword to kill it but it dogged and ran up the hilt of my sword. I tried to grab it but it scratched my face and ran off.

"Great, just great. I almost had it," I angrily complained. It was now mid noon and my stomach was rumbling more than ever. I felt weak, I don't think I can catch anything now. Suddenly I heard crying. It was faint and distant but horrible to hear. It was like someone was letting out all of their pain and sorrow.

As I followed the noise I came across a clearing. There, in the middle of the clearing was an auburn haired boy one the ground in the fetal position. Soon his crying died down, he didn't seem to be in the right state of mind so I doubt he'll notice me. I was going to approach him but something

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